VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary *** Last week news *** (new targets) V893 Sco (RA = 16h14m45.26s, Dec = -28d39m30.3s) A possible brightening of this dwarf nova (eclipsing SU UMa-type candidate) was reported by A. Pearce on August 13 (13.7mag) (vsnet-campaign 428). The outburst was confirmed by the Ouda observing team on August 15 (vsnet-campaign 429). The fading from the outburst was reported by the Ouda team on August 16 (vsnet-campaign-dn 108). The present outburst again seems to be a normal outburst. Z Cha (RA = 08h07m16s.29, Dec = -76d32'20".9) As reported by R. Stubbings, the eclipsing dwarf nova Z Cha started an outburst (vsnet-alert 5188). The magnitude on August 17 reported by R. Stubbings was 12.5mag (vsnet-campaign-dn 109). The present outburst is likely a normal outburst. Rho Cas (RA = 23h54m22s.99, Dec = +57d29'58".7) B. Granslo reported that Rho Cassiopeiae was markedly fainter than normal. On May 8, the magnitude was 4.9mag, and then, 5.5mag on August 13. Rho Cassiopeiae is a supergiant variable that normally is shining at magnitude 4.5-5.0. It underwent a major fading episode to mag. 6 during 1945-1947. T. Kato independently noticed the fading (vsnet-campaign-rhocas 2). The fading state is continuing. Close monitorings and spectroscopic observations are encouraged. SN 2000de (RA = 12h25m12s.17, Dec = +54d30'28".7) H. Yamaoka forwarded the content of IAUC 7478 in which new supernovae, SN 2000de was reported. The host galaxy NGC 4384 is somewhat nearby; its recession velocity is about 2500 km/s. The typical SNeIa is about 14 mag at maximum (vsnet-campaign-sn 52). SN 2000df (RA = 16h14m12s.22, Dec = +06d09'00".6) H. Yamaoka also forwarded the content of IAUC 7478 in which new supernovae, SN 2000df was reported. The host of CGCG 51-70 is further; the expected maximum of SNeIa at this distance is 17+ mag (vsnet-campaign-sn 52). 1H 1933+510 (RA = 19h34m36s.08, Dec = +51d07'42".2) S. O'Connor reported an outburst of this possible dwarf nova on August 18 in [vsnet-obs 29195]. The Ouda observing team confirmed the outburst on August 19 (vsnet-campaign 430). V550 Cyg (RA = 20h05m06s.54, Dec = +32d21'42".6) As reported by T. Kunninen, the poorly studied dwarf nova V550 Cyg started an outburst on August 17-19. This is the first reported outburst to VSNET (vsnet-campaign 431). P. Schmeer detected V550 Cyg at mag 16 on an unfiltered CCD image taken with the IRO on 2000 Jan. 9.115 UT (vsnet-alert 3993). He commented that the dwarf nova was caught either during the final stage of an outburst or at a minor brightening (vsnet-campaign 432). The Ouda observation team detected superhumps with an amplitude of ~0.3 mag using the data on August 20 (vsnet-campaign 434). Time-series observations are urged to study the superhumps of this object. (continuous targets) V1504 Cyg (RA = 19h28m55s.87, Dec = +43d05'39".9) Another outburst was detected by T. Kinnunen (15.2mag on August 17) (vsnet-campaign-dn 111). V725 Aql (RA = 19h56m43s.61, Dec = +10d49'22".1) The fading from an outburst was confirmed in [vsnet-campaign-dn 107] ( <14.7mag on August 12 by R. J. Modic). Delta Sco (RA = 16h00m19s.9, Dec = -22d37'17") M. Gavin reported the URL of recent spectrum of Delta Sco (vsnet-campaign-be 36, see below "General information"). R. Wilson reported the magnitude estimation during early phase of the event. He and G. Crossley estimated the magnitude on July 16 to be between 2.1 and 2.3 using the slides displayed by B. Bridge in the Astronomical Association of Queensland (vsnet-campaign-be 39). A gradual fading trend has continued. SN 2000cx (RA = 01h24m46s.15, Dec = +09o30'30".9) The object has continued the fading. The magnitude on August 13 reported by D. Dillinger was 14.3 (vsnet-campaign-sn 51). V803 Cen (RA = 13h23m44s.5, Dec = -41d44'30".1) A fading from the outburst was reported on August 17 (14.4, 14.2mag by R. Stubbings)(vsnet-campaign-dn 110). XTE J1118+480 (RA = 11h18m10s.9, Dec = +48d02'12".9) This X-ray nova has shown a precipitous fading. On August 5, the magnitude was 14.7 (by Nyrola Observatory team), and then, S. O'Connor found the magnitude to be dimmer than 16.0 on August 13 (vsnet-campaign-xray 37). A. Oksanen and M. Moilanen (Nyrola team) reported that the object was 16.9 magnitudes on August 13 (vsnet-campaign-xray 38, 39). More observations of this possible final phase are strongly encouraged. *** Future schedule *** V382 Vel, V1494 Aql, Nova in LMC 2000 campaign (August 7) (August 21) S. Starrfield and his collaborators will be obtaining CHANDRA observations of V382 Vel and V1494 Aql the week beginning August 7, 2000 and they will be obtaining HST/STIS observations of Nova LMC 2000 the week of August 21, 2000. Ground based observations are encouraged. Observers those who are interested in this campaign, should contact with Dr. Starrfield (sumner.starrfield@asu.edu). [vsnet-campaign-nova 71] V446 Her campaign (throughout this summer) Boris T. Gaensicke organize a campaign on the post nova V446 Her (V~18). Their aim is to obtain a *good* contiguous light curve of V446 Her that covers 2-3 dwarf nova-like outbursts of the system, in order to compare its outburst characteristics to those of ``normal'' dwarf novae. They invite those of you equipped with a CCD camera to obtain a couple of images of V446 Her per night throughout the next three months, say, until the end of September. For more information, please see [vsnet-campaign 325] or contact with Boris T. Gaensicke (boris@uni-sw.gwdg.de). In [vsnet-campaign 368]..... "The V446 Her campaign from July 7 was started (through the end of September). But we have received very few observations since then. Negative observations, for instance, <17.0, are also useful. We strongly encourage observers to contribute to this project. Let's clarify the physics of post novae!" *** General information *** Delta Sco Spectrum taken by M. Gavin [vsnet-campaign-be 36] http://vsnet.astroman.fsnet.co.uk/emission2.htm SN 2000df The image taken by F. Ewalt [vsnet-campaign-sn 53] http://pages.prodigy.net/fmewalt/.wi_SN2000df-1W.jpg A new vsnet-campaign sub-mailing list, [vsnet-campaign-rhocas] was set up (vsnet-campaign-rhocas 1). (This summary is reproduction free.) Regards, Makoto Uemura