VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary (Since I will be away from Kyoto on the next Monday night, I am now sending the summary of this week.) *** Last week news *** (new targets) SN 2000db (RA = 11h53m39s.75, Dec = +47d51'46".6) H. Yamaoka forwarded and commented on IAUC 7454 which tells that M. Aoki has discovered a quite bright SN 2000db. The discovery was made on Aug. 6.498 UT when the SN was mag 14.3. The location is about 20" northwest of the center of the tilted open-spiral (SA(s)bc) galaxy NGC 3949. The expected maximum of SN Ia on this distance is about mag 12 (vsnet-campaign-sn 41). Close monitorings are encouraged. V1504 Cyg (RA = 19h28m55s.87, Dec = +43d05'39".9) The SU UMa-type dwarf nova V1504 Cyg seems to exhibit a state of atypically increased outburst activity since the early August. The short outburst interval may rival normal outbursts of ER UMa stars (vsnet-campaign 415). Observers are strongly urged to monitor the object closely. V725 Aql (RA = 19h56m43s.61, Dec = +10d49'22".1) As reported by M. Simonsen and by G. Poyner, and confirmed by C. Jones, an SU UMa-type dwarf nova, V725 Aql began an outburst on August 8. The orbital period of V725 Aql estimated from the superhump period is located at the middle of the period gap (2.5 hr) (vsnet-campaign 417). The Ouda observing team reported on August 9 that the object was apparently fainter than the 14.0 mag comparison star (vsnet-campaign 422). This observation suggested this outburst to be a normal one, however The object have not completely faded on August 11 (14.7:mag by C. P. Jones) (vsnet-campaign-dn 106). Time-series observations are urgently needed to clarify the nature of this outburst. FBS 2351+228 (= NSV 26158) (RA = 23h53m51.02s and Dec = +23d09'19.5") As reported by T. Vanmunster in [vsnet-alert 5176], this poorly known (and NR: in NSV) object began an outburst (13.9mag on August 9) (vsnet-campaign 418). T. Kato reported that the previous outburst of this object was observed in 1999 September with the maximum of 14.3mag, reported by L. T. Jensen and confirmed by T. Kinnunen (vsnet-campaign 421). The Ouda observing team obtained multicolor CCD photometry, which seems to suggest that the outburst is rather red (vsnet-campaign 423). O. Trondal reported the observation (14.8mag on August 10) and the URL which includes a picture and a low resolution spectrum (vsnet-campaign 424). Two nights (August 08/09 and 10/11) of extensive CCD photometry at CBA Belgium Observatory, have yielded a flat light curve, showing no obvious modulations (vsnet-campaign 426). Spctroscopy will be very useful in determining the nature of the object. SN 2000dc (RA = 20h20m45s.47, Dec = -24d07'57".5) H. Yamaoka forwarded and commented on IAUC 7476 which tells that the Lick KAIT team has discovered a mag 16 SN. The position is about 4" west and 16" south of the nucleus of the barred-spiral (SB(r)b) galaxy ESO 527-G019. The expected maximum of the typical SN Ia on this distance (v_r = 3117 km/s for ESO 527-G019) is mag 14.8 (vsnet-campaign-sn 43). Close monitorings are encouraged. (continuous targets) V730 Sgr (RA = 19h23m00s.79, Dec = -28d29'29".2) The rare outburst of V730 Sgr have faded ( <14.0mag on August 7 by P. Williams) (vsnet-campaign 416). Now it is at quiescent state. DH Aql (RA = 19h26m12s.05, Dec = -10d15'21".4) The Ouda observing team reported on August 9 that the object seems to be slightly fainter than on the previous night. This may suggest that the superoutburst was close to the termination (vsnet-campaign-dn 101). The data on August 9 by N. Butterworth can be seen in [vsnet-campaign-data 35]. A fading trend has been observed since August 5 (vsnet-campaign-dn 102). Time-series observations are strongly encouraged. Delta Sco (RA = 16h00m19s.9, Dec = -22d37'17") Gradual fading trend can be seen in recent observations (vsnet-campaign-be 34). SN 2000cx (RA = 01h24m46s.15, Dec = +09o30'30".9) The fading trend continues (vsnet-campaign-sn 42, 45, 46). CI Aql (RA = 18h52m03s.6, Dec = -01d28m38.9s) The fading have stopped since the early August. The current magnitude is about 13.6mag (vsnet-campaign-nova 79). The observations including eclipses are very useful to study this recurrent nova. V803 Cen (RA = 13h23m44s.5, Dec = -41d44'30".1) Another outburst was reported on August 7 at 13.7mag (P. Williams) (vsnet-campaign-dn 100). The object faded again on August 9 (vsnet-campaign-dn 104). Close monitorings and time-series observations are encouraged. XTE J1118+480 (RA = 11h18m10s.9, Dec = +48d02'12".9) From the observation at Kyoto, M. Uemura reported that the rapid decline trend apparently continued till August 5, but, the data on August 6 and 10, which was observed under bad weather, suggested that this decline trend seems to be stopped (vsnet-campaign-xray 36). The confirmation of the current magnitude is urgently needed. V1494 Aql (RA = 19h23m05s.4, Dec = +04d57'20".1) The nightly averaged data observed by L. Cook can be seen in [vsnet-campaign-nova 78]. *** Future schedule *** V382 Vel, V1494 Aql, Nova in LMC 2000 campaign (August 7) (August 21) S. Starrfield and his collaborators will be obtaining CHANDRA observations of V382 Vel and V1494 Aql the week beginning August 7, 2000 and they will be obtaining HST/STIS observations of Nova LMC 2000 the week of August 21, 2000. Ground based observations are encouraged. Observers those who are interested in this campaign, should contact with Dr. Starrfield (sumner.starrfield@asu.edu). [vsnet-campaign-nova 71] V446 Her campaign (throughout this summer) Boris T. Gaensicke organize a campaign on the post nova V446 Her (V~18). Their aim is to obtain a *good* contiguous light curve of V446 Her that covers 2-3 dwarf nova-like outbursts of the system, in order to compare its outburst characteristics to those of ``normal'' dwarf novae. They invite those of you equipped with a CCD camera to obtain a couple of images of V446 Her per night throughout the next three months, say, until the end of September. For more information, please see [vsnet-campaign 325] or contact with Boris T. Gaensicke (boris@uni-sw.gwdg.de). In [vsnet-campaign 368]..... "The V446 Her campaign from July 7 was started (through the end of September). But we have received very few observations since then. Negative observations, for instance, <17.0, are also useful. We strongly encourage observers to contribute to this project. Let's clarify the physics of post novae!" *** General information *** V1504 Cyg light curve sent by E. Pavlenko: http://ftp.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/pub/vsnet/DNe/V1504_Cyg/1504.eps [vsnet-campaign 420] FBS 2351+228 = NSV 26158 Picture and Spectrum by O. Trondal: http://vsnet.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Garage/9531/nsv26185.htm [vsnet-campaign 424] (This summary is reproduction free.) Regards, Makoto Uemura