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[vsnet-campaign 456] VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary

VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary
*** Last week news ***

(new targets)
  NSV 14652		(RA = 23h38m49s.1, Dec = +28d19'55")

    As reported by T. Vaunmunster on August 22 in [vsnet-alert 5202], 
  the suspected dwarf nova NSV 14652, the possible identification with 
  a ROSAT source, experienced the outburst at 15.8mag (vsnet-campaign 439).  
  P. Schmeer reported another brightening for a few days in 1993 June 
  (vsnet-campaign 439).  T. Vanmunster performed a time-series observation 
  on August 22/23 which yielded a 0.5 mag modulation in the resulting 
  light curve (covering a total of 6.1 hours)  (vsnet-campaign 443).
    The confirmation of modulation and the current state is needed.

  V425 Cas		(RA = 23h03m38s.60, Dec = +53d17'10".8)

    The VY Scl-type novalike system V425 Cas may be in faint state (15.1mag 
  on August 21 by T. Kinnunen).  The object was in "high" state in 1999, 
  but experienced a low state in 1998 (vsnet-campaign 441).
    Both deep nightly observations and time-resolved photometry are 

  V368 Peg		(RA = 22h58m43s.5, Dec = +11d09'13")

    V368 Peg = Var63 Peg started the outburst, as reported by R. Stubbings 
  (13.8mag on August 26).  The star is an SU UMa-type dwarf nova, 
  whose nature was revealed by J. Pietz (vsnet-obs 22110, vsnet-alert 3317) 
  during the last outburst in 1999 August (vsnet-campaign 448).
  The E. Muyllaert's observations showed the object was bright on August 26 
  (12.5mag), which strongly suggested the outburst is a superoutburst 
  (vsnet-campaign 454).
    Time-series photometry is strongly encouraged to study the superhump.

  LX And		(RA = 02h19m44s.00, Dec = +40d27'23".5)
    The outburst of this dwarf nova was detected by M. Simonsen on August 12.
  T. Vanmunster performed time-series photometry on August 12/13 and 13/14 
  and reported that the resulting light curve is more or less flat, with 
  presumably traces of short term modulations with very low amplitude 
  (around 0.01 mag) (vsnet-campaign 437).  

  FX Cep		(RA = 21h03m12.5s, Dec = +66d10m51.2s)

    T. Kinnunen detected the outburst at 15.0mag on August 23 
  (vsnet-outburst 415).  T. Vanmunster performed a time-series CCD 
  photometry on August 23/24 and reported the light curve is rather flat. 
  He suggested that this variable is an UGSS-type dwarf nova 
  (vsnet-campaign 445).

  V1062 Cyg		(RA = 21h08m12s.60, Dec = +36d49'16".6)

    Recent observations show possible separate outbursts, i.e. 14.6: 
  on August 21 and 14.6: on August 25 (by M. Simonsen) (vsnet-campaign 450).
    Close monitorings and time-series observations are encouraged.

  V405 Vul		(RA = 19h53m05s.0, Dec = +21d14'50")
    T. Vanmunster performed a time-series observations on August 25/26, 
  and revealed that it clearly shows superhumps with the period of 
  0.1205 +/- 0.0019 d and a full superhump amplitude of 0.19 mag. 
  This findings confirmed V405 Vul as an SU UMa dwarf nova with the 
  second-longest superhump period, and very close to the upper border 
  of the period gap (vsnet-campaign 452).
    This became a high priority target.  More observations in early phase of 
  superoutburst are expected in the next outburst.  The confirmation 
  of the current state is also important.

  V1141 Aql		(RA = 19h37m10s.01, Dec = +02d35'59".2)

    As reported by R. Stubbings, the (still poorly studied) SU UMa-type
  dwarf nova V1141 Aql is undergoing an outburst (15.0mag on August 28).  
  The object was observed in superoutburst in 1999 October, the first 
  time when superhumps were detected (vsnet-campaign 455).
    Time-series observations are strongly encouraged.

(continuous targets)
  Rho Cas		(RA = 23h54m22s.99, Dec = +57d29'58".7)

    T. Kato forwarded the observation by M. Nezel (5.1mag on August 22) 
  (vsnet-campaign-rhocas 5).  The faint state continues.  Close 
  monitorings are encouraged.

  V550 Cyg		(RA = 20h05m05s.21, Dec = +32d21'21".0)

    T. Kato found on August 21 that the real position seems to be slightly 
  east to the DWS position by comparing the images (in outburst) and available 
  charts (vsnet-campaign-dn 115).  On August 22, Ouda team reported the 
  revised superhump period of 0.0682 d, or its alias 0.0639 d and that 
  there is an evidence of super-QPOs around every superhump minimum
  (vsnet-campaign 436).  J. Pietz provided time-series data which confirms 
  the presence of superhumps (vsnet-campaign-dn 117).  H. Yamaoka 
  performed astrometry using the images taken at Ouda and reported that 
  the object observed by O'conner (vsnet-obs 29250) is not the real V550 Cyg, 
  and the position mentioned on vsnet-campaign 435 (weekly Campaign Summary 
  by Uemura) is incorrect (the correct coordinate is written above).
  And, the real V550 Cyg is about 3" east or east-southeast from the DWS 
  position and the position of the candidate of V550 Cyg at quiescent (Skiff, 
  1999, IBVS 4675).  Further, on the DSS2 Bj images, the faint object 
  (19.5-20.0) lies on the neighbour of the position.  The amplitude of 
  this CV is therefore quite large, likely more than 5 magnitude 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 120, vsnet-campaign 447).
    The final phase of this superoutburst will come within this few days. 
  Observations are encouraged.

  V1504 Cyg             (RA = 19h28m55s.87, Dec = +43d05'39".9)

    Relatively bright outburst (14.2mag) was detected by L. Cook on 
  August 26 (vsnet-campaign 449).

  Delta Sco		(RA = 16h00m19s.9, Dec = -22d37'17")

    The object is still brighter than the normal state.  
  Close monitorings are encouraged.

  SN 2000cx		(RA = 01h24m46s.15, Dec = +09o30'30".9)
    The object showed a relatively rapid fading in the last week 
  (vsnet-campaign-sn 54). 

  XTE J1118+480         (RA = 11h18m10s.9, Dec = +48d02'12".9)

    M. Uemura reported a possible rebrightening from the rapid decline 
  on August 22 from the recent Kyoto observations (vsnet-campaign-xray 41), 
  however, no prominent rebrightening is confirmed from the data on August 23. 
  The decline trend has become more gradual (vsnet-campaign-xray 42).
  Nyrola team performed a time-series photometry on August 24 and reported 
  that the data shows 0.5 magnitude variability that is about twice the 
  measurement error and the average magnitude to be 17.03mag 
  (vsnet-campaign-xray 43).
    The object is now faint, but still brighter than the quiescent state.
  Observations are encouraged. 

  V803 Cen		(RA = 13h23m44.5s, Dec = -41d44'30".1)

    The brightness of this object again showed an oscillation from 14.2mag 
  on August 17.419 to 13.4mag on August 20.456 reported by R. Stubbings 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 114).  The fading from this outburst was observed 
  on August 22 by R. Stubbings (vsnet-campaign-dn 119), and then, 
  again enter the fainter state on August 26 (14.6mag by R. Stubbings).

  NSV 26158		(RA = 23h53m51.02s and Dec = +23d09'19.5")

    The unclassified brightening continues during the last week 
  (vsnet-campaign 442).  T. Kinnunen reported the fading from this 
  brightening on August 23 (15.2mag) - 25 (15.5mag) (vsnet-campaign 451).
    Multicolor photometry and spectroscopy are encouraged to monitor 
  the change in the object's status.

  V446 Her		(RA = 18h57m21s.51, Dec = +13d14'27".3)

    D. Nogami reported a preliminary results of V446 Her campaign scheduled 
  throughout this summer.  The light curve is peculiar for a dwarf nova.  
  See below for more detail information (vsnet-campaign 446).

*** Future schedule ***
  V446 Her campaign (throughout this summer)

    Boris T. Gaensicke organize a campaign on the post nova V446 Her (V~18). 
  Their aim is to obtain a *good* contiguous light curve of V446 Her that
  covers 2-3 dwarf nova-like outbursts of the system, in order to compare 
  its outburst characteristics to those of ``normal'' dwarf novae. 
  They invite those of you equipped with a CCD camera to obtain a couple 
  of images of V446 Her per night throughout the next three months, say, 
  until the end of September.
    For more information, please see [vsnet-campaign 325] or contact 
  with Boris T. Gaensicke (boris@uni-sw.gwdg.de).
    In [vsnet-campaign 446].....    
  "Now, one and a half month later, we present a preliminary lightcurve
   which you can find at

   The light curve is very interesting, ......
   Hence we again invite those of you equipped with a CCD camera to
   obtain a couple of images of V446Her per night at least until the
   end of September. Together we can rewrite the post nova scenario !!!"

*** General information ***

  P Cyg

    E. Pollmann presents the development of the Halpha-emission of P Cyg 
  after the minimum at JD 2451770, see [vsnet-campaign-image 3] or 
  [vsnet-campaign 444].

  V446 Her
    Preliminary light curve from V446 Her campaign team:
					[vsnet-campaign 446]

(This summary is reproduction free.)

Makoto Uemura

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