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1999 Sep. 2

  *  Light curves from VSNET reports (updated on 1999 Jul. 30) 
  *  List of Takamizawa variables 
  *  Ricerca (LX-200 automatic control program by S. Massaro) new version! 
  *  Ricerca 3.35e + Center (LX-200 automatic control program by S. Massaro) new version! 
  *  Ricerca 3.35g (LX-200 automatic control program by S. Massaro) new version! 
  *  NSV individual variable page! 
  *  VSOLJ database updated 
  *  Hipparcos stars designated in NSV Supplment 1.0 

Gamma-ray bursts
 *  GRB 990123 

  *  On supernova suspect in NGC 7013 
  *  SN 1998dk 
  *  SN 1998dl 
  *  SN 1998dm (updated) 
  *  SN 1998dq 
  *  SN 1998dt 
  *  Suspect query in NGC 6239 
  *  SN 1998es 
  *  SN 1998ew 
  *  SN 1998ey 
  *  SN1998fa images by Luiz 
  *  SN 1999aa 
  *  CCD image of SN 1999aa (Sano) 
  *  CCD image of SN 1999ab (Sano) 
  *  SN 1999ac 
  *  SN 1999bg and 1999bh 
  *  SN1999bg image by Sano 
  *  SN1999br image by Sano 
  *  Possible SN in NGC 3198 images by Sano 
  *  SN 1999by 
  *  SN 1999cl 
  *  SN 1999cp 

  *  Nova Sco 1998 
  *  Nova Mus 1998 
  *  Outburst of GK Per 
  *  Outburst of U Sco 
  *  U Sco 1987 paper 
  *  Nova Sgr 1999 = V4444 Sgr
  *  Nova Vel 1999 = V382 Vel

Dwarf novae
  *  RY Ser outburst images (Vanmunster) 
  *  RY Ser V-band image (Henden) 
  *  Extremely rare outburst of V592 Her 
    81-m period by spectroscopy 
    Emergence of superhumps? 
  *  RY Ser sequence (Henden) 
  *  V1089 Sgr sequence (Henden) 
  *  AT Cnc paper (Nogami et al.) 
  *  ER UMa stars (Kato et al., presented at the Disk Instability Workshop in Kyoto 1998) 
  *  Outburst of V844 Her 
  *  V844 Her information [main page]
  *  Rare outburst of HT Cas (1999 July) 
  *  Superoutburst of V2051 Oph! (1999 July) 
  *  BF Eri paper 
  *  CI Gem paper 
  *  CG CMa paper 
  *  V893 Sco paper (Matsumoto et al.)  

  *  New object? in And 

  *  Prediction of maxima/minima (for DOS) by Masi 

1998 Aug. 12

  *  Light curves from VSNET reports (updated on 1998 July 23) 
  *  Barycenter ephemeris 
  *  Java chart viewer update (ChtView3.tar.gz) 
  *  6th Southern Photometry Conference 
  *  Warner Symposium 1999 
  *  Gumna Astronomical Observatory Workshop 

  *  SN1998dh 
  *  SN1998dh images 
  *  SN1998dj 

  *  Rapid fading of Nova Oph 1998 
  *  Apparent (bright) nova in M31 

Dwarf novae
  *  New helium dwarf nova SN1998di 
  *  SBS 1017+533 preprint (Watanabe, VSOLJ Bulletin in press) 

Intermediate polars
  *  Rare outburst of EX Hya 

1998 July 2

  *  Light curves from VSNET reports (updated on 1998 June 28) 

  *  SN1998co CCD image (courtesy by W. P. Johnson) 

  *  Nova Oph 1998, charts, GIF image 

Dwarf novae
  *  V2323 Sgr revealed!? 
  *  SS UMi preprint 
  *  CR Boo preprint 
  *  EG Cnc preprint (Matsumoto et al.) to appear in PASJ 
  *  EG Cnc preprint (Matsumoto et al.) on the orbital period 

X-ray transients
  *  XTE J2123-058 

1998 June 4

  *  Light curves from VSNET reports (updated on 1998 June 3) 
  *  VSOLJ database update (1998 April verision) 
  *  VSNET CV Circular's page updated 

  *  Nova Sgr 1998 (Henden's V sequence included) 

Dwarf novae
  *  V2051 Oph, CCD light curve by Jensen, chart updated 
  *  Outburst of V2323 Sgr 

Symbiotic stars
  *  Outburst of the possible eclipsing symbiotic variable AS 289 

X-ray transients
  *  CI Cam 

1998 May 22

  *  Light curves from VSNET reports (updated on 1998 May 11) 
  *  ChtView for Java 1.2 (Swing) 
  *  Disk instability workshop in Kyoto 

  *  SNe maximum magnitude calculator 
  *  SN 1998bm 
  *  SN 1998bn 
  *  SN 1998bp 
  *  SN 1998bu 
  *  SNe maximum magnitude calculator for flat universe 
  *  Variable star near NGC 4013 

Dwarf novae
  *  First ever observed outburst of LY Hya 
  *  Possible superoutburst of V2051 Oph 

1998 Apr. 20

  *  Light curves from VSNET reports (updated on 1998 Apr. 15) 
  *  Hipparcos new variable stars with GCVS designations 
  *  Index to variable stars updated 
  *  VSOLJ database update (up to 1998 Feb.) 
  *  vsnet-obs archive divided 
  *  Interactive light curve viewer on Java (VSNET reports) 
  *  Interactive light curve viewer on Java (VSOLJ reports) 
  *  LX-200 Automatic Control Program "Ricerca" by S. Massaro (demo version, new version 3.35d!) 
  *  ChtView (Java 1.1) for viewing VSNET charts 

  *  SN 1997ei 
  *  SN 1997ef 
  *  SN 1998S 
  *  SN 1998T 
  *  SN 1998ab 
  *  SN 1998aq 

  *  Nova Sgr 1998 

Dwarf novae
  *  Rediscovery of V893 Sco (IBVS in press) 

X-ray Transients
  *  Bright X-ray Transient, XTE J0421+560 

1997 Nov. 25

  *  Light curves from VSNET reports (updated on 1997 Nov. 24) 
  *  LX-200 Automatic Control Program "Ricerca" by S. Massaro (demo version, new version 3.35b!) 
  *  DBVS2000 update (for VSOLJ observers) 

Dwarf novae
  *  NY Ser (PG 1510+234) preprint (Nogami et al.) 
  *  SW UMa preprint (Nogami et al.) 
  *  V1504 Cyg preprint (Nogami and Masuda) 

Pulsating variables
  *  Reanalysis of Ichinohe's observations of RU Cam (Kato and Sakuma) 

1997 Oct. 20

  *  Light curves from VSNET reports (updated on 1997 Oct. 19) 
  *  GSCV online (in Japanese) 
  *  DBVS2000 (for VSOLJ observers) 
  *  VSSPlot 2 beta (Farrell) 
  *  VSOLJ database online updated! 
    [Instruction to usage]
  *  LX-200 Automatic Control Program "Ricerca" by S. Massaro (demo version) 
  *  GIF charts with H/T magnitudes 

Dwarf novae
  *  EG Cnc paper I (Matsumoto et al.) 
  *  EG Cnc paper II (Kato et al.) 
  *  T Leo paper (Kato, PASJ preprint) 
  *  USNO 1425.09823278 (light curve updated) 

1997 Sep. 12

  *  Index to individual variable stars 
    (links to charts based on Hipparcos & Tycho provided)
  *  Light curves from VSNET reports (updated on 1997 Sep. 4) 
  *  VSNET quiz, new 
  *  GIF chart based on Hipparcos and Tycho catalogues 
  *  VSOLJ database online! 
    [Instruction to usage]
  *  VSOLJ database, full text data (in JST) 

  *  Nova Sco 1997 
  *  Fading of Nova Her 1991 = V838 Her 
  *  Nova Sco 1997, VSNET chart 
  *  Nova Cyg 1992 five years after outburst 
  *  Nova Cyg 1992 (V1974 Cyg) campaign (Retter) 

Dwarf novae
  *  Rare outburst of V1028 Cyg (May 17) 
  *  V1028 Cyg preprint (Baba et al.) 
  *  Superoutburst of V844 Her = Var43 Her 
    (updated on July 1)
  *  Superoutburst of V485 Cen, updated 
  *  Outburst CCD image of CP Dra 
  *  Possible outburst of RY Ser (Aug. 2) 
  *  New SU UMa-type dwarf nova USNO 1425.09823278 

Symbiotic stars
  *  Outburst of Z And 

R CrB-stars
  *  Z UMi page, updated 

BL Lac objects
  *  Large outburst of BL Lac 
  *  Outburst CCD image of BL Lac 

X-ray transients
  *  New X-ray transient XTE J1755-324 

Pulsating variables
  *  HIP1627 (Farrell) 

1997 May 19

  *  Light curves from VSNET reports (updated on 1997 May 18) 
  *  Points on individual variable stars (text in Japanese) 

Dwarf novae
  *  Eclipse animation of DV UMa 
  *  Eclipse animation of IP Peg 
  *  Superoutburst of Var21 CrB - New SU UMa star! 
  *  Rare outburst of V1830 Sgr 
  *  Superoutburst of V485 Cen 

Tools and programs
  *  LANCELOT: Period finding and spectrum estimation by neural network (Gaspani) 

Minor planets
  *  Earth-crossing minor planet 1996 JA1: animation of CCD images 

1997 May 7

  *  Light curves from VSNET reports (updated on 1997 May 5) 
  *  VSNET CV Circulars archive update 
  *  VSNET HTML mail archive updated 
  *  VSNET HTML mail archive (for 1994) 
  *  Brian Skiff's sequences compilations 
  *  VSOLJ annual meeting in Kyoto 
    [in Japanese]
  *  Sky of Ouda 

Dwarf novae
  *  Rare outburst of S10932 (Apr. 23) 
  *  Superoutburst of CY UMa (Apr. 30) 
  *  Superoutburst of DH Aql (May 3) 

  *  Possible fading of AM Her 

Cataclysmic variables
  *  V803 Cen update (CBA) 

Pre-main sequence stars
  *  Optical outburst of CB34V 

1997 Apr. 16

  *  Light curves from VSNET reports (updated on 1997 Apr. 15) 
  *  From the history of VSNET ... 

Dwarf novae
  *  Superoutburst of SX LMi (Apr. 6) 
  *  Outburst of V795 Cyg (Apr. 7) 
  *  Rare outburst of the eclipsing dwarf nova DV UMa 
  *  DV UMa page updated 
  *  Superhumps in DV UMa 
  *  Supercycle of V1113 Cyg 

Cataclysmic variables
  *  Multi-longitude photometric campaign on CVs 

  *  V1118 Ori in quiescence and outburst 

OVV-QSO and BL Lac objects
  *  Call for visual and CCD observations of Markarian 501 

  *  Study of variable stars using small telescopes (in Japanese, by T. Kato) 
  *  Ouda Station user's page (in Japanese) 
  *  Birds seen or heard at Ouda Station (Mar. 28 - Apr. 2) 
  *  Ouda scene (photographic library by Y. Tomita) 

1997 Apr. 1

  *  Light curves from VSNET reports (updated on 1997 Mar. 26) 
  *  Variable star conference in Brno 

  *  Peculiar Seyfert-1-like supernova SN 1997ab 

  *  Dramatic change in the spectrum of Sakurai's object 

Dwarf novae
  *  DW Cnc and others (vsnet-chat) 
  *  Rare superoutburst of OY Car (Mar. 25) 
  *  Possible outburst of AQ CMi (Mar. 28) 
  *  Outburst of V1060 Cyg (Mar. 27) 
  *  Outburst image of AH Eri (Mar. 1) 

R CrB-type variables
  *  Recovery of SU Tau 

X-ray transients
  *  X-ray re-brightening of GRO J0422+32 = V518 Per 

Pulsating variables
  *  New variable star in M27 (Ondra) 
  *  Variable stars in the globular cluster M5 
  *  Variable star V11 in the globular cluster M2 

ALEXIS transients
  *  ALEXIS transient on Mar. 21 
  *  ALEXIS transient on Mar. 23 

1997 Mar. 13

  *  Upgade of GAMA's Home Page (Novak) 
  *  Period analysis of variable stars (vsnet-chat log) 
  *  Light curves from VSNET reports (updated on 1997 Mar. 12) 

Dwarf novae
  *  Rare outburst of RU LMi (Mar. 8) 
  *  T Leo satellite campaign (Howell) 

Nova-like variables
  *  Fading of V751 Cyg 

Symbiotic stars
  *  Draco C-1 

Pulsating variables
  *  AF Sco and AC Sco 

X-ray binaries
  *  On optical behavior of Cyg X-1 (vsnet-chat log) 

Supersoft X-ray sources
  *  Supersoft sources as SNe Ia progenitors (vsnet-chat log) 

ALEXIS transients
  *  Possible ALEXIS transient on Mar. 4 
  *  Possible ALEXIS transient on Mar. 6 
  *  Possible ALEXIS transient on Mar. 9 

1997 Mar. 3

  *  Light curves from VSNET reports (updated on 1997 Mar. 2 
  *  Automatic CCD photometry tool for ST-7 

Dwarf novae
  *  Re-brightening of T Leo! 
     The 1993 superoutburst of T Leo (CCD images) 
  *  ER UMa: superoutburst overdue 
  *  Outburst of Z Cha 
  *  Nova Sgr 1990 
  *  V3941 Sgr (vsnet-chat discussion and CCD images) 
  *  Rare outburst of HT Cas 
  *  Superoutburst of DM Lyr 

Symbiotic variables
  *  Help for archival photos of QW Sge = AS 360 (Munari) 

Pre-main sequence stars
  *  Outburst of V1118 Ori 

ALEXIS transients
  *  ALEXIS transient on 1997 Feb. 23 
  *  ALEXIS transient on 1997 Feb. 25 

1997 Feb. 20

  *  Light curves from VSNET reports (updated on 1997 Feb. 19 

Dwarf Novae
  *  RX And: low activity again? 
  *  New ROSAT CV: RX J2353.0-3852 
  *  Outburst of U Gem 
  *  ALEXIS observation of U Gem (updated) 
  *  EM Cyg entering a standstill? 
  *  Rare outburst of T Leo (Feb. 19) 
  *  EUVE and XTE observations of T Leo 
  *  EG Cnc - first one? (update!) 
  *  Outburst cycle of WX Hyi (from vsnet-chat) 

Nova-like variable stars
  *  Brightening of MV Lyr 

Eclipsing binaries
  *  Eclipsing binary ephemeris (from vsnet-chat log) 

ALEXIS transients
  *  ALEXIS transient on 1997 Feb. 19 

1997 Feb. 17

  *  Light curves from VSNET reports (updated on 1997 Feb. 16 
  *  USNO A1.0 catalog on-line! 
  *  Odessa Variable Star COnference 

Dwarf novae
  *  EG Cnc - first one? 
  *  Rare outburst of GO Com 
  *  Outburst of BV Cen (update on Feb. 17) 
  *  ER UMa has changed its outburst property? 
  *  Superoutburst of V436 Cen 

R CrB stars
  *  Call for monitoring DY Per 
  *  Fading of RZ Nor 

Back items (up to 1997 Jan.)

Back items (up to 1996 May)

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