[ In Japanese ]
VSNET Information - "The King of e-mails"
What is VSNET (Variable Star Network)?
VSNET, maintained by
VSNET Administrators
Department of Astronomy, Kyoto University
(what a zoo!),
consists of transcendent mailing lists
(powered by MMM technology: MMM = Many Many Mails)
for distribution of various messages on variable stars, especially
cataclysmic variables (CVs) and related
From the history of VSNET ...
VSNET now has a number of addresses for delivering different content of mails.
(click to retrieve mail archives)
Posting observations
Variable star alerts
Dwarf nova outbursts
R CrB stars
Symbiotic variables
Polars (AM Her-type stars)
Intermediate polars (DQ Her-type stars)
NL-type cataclysmic variables information
Supersoft X-ray sources (SSS or SSXS)
Pre-main sequence stars (T Tau, EXORs, FU Ori stars) information
Long-period variables (LPVs) information
RV Tau stars information
Be stars and gamma Cas-type stars
S Dor-type stars (luminous blue variables)
Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs)
vsnet-announce@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Announcements
Discussion list
vsnet-chart@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Chart distribution
vsnet-sequence@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Comparison star sequence
vsnet-preprint@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Preprints and on-line papers
vsnet-deepsky@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Deep-sky objects
vsnet-computing@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Variable star computing
vsnet-jet@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Astrophysical jets
vsnet-digest@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Daily digest
Daily CV activity
Long-period variables activity
Be stars activity (regular update)
Irregular stars activity (regular update)
vsnet-id@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp VS identifications
vsnet-id-rosat@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp ROSAT identifications
vsnet-id-2mass@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp 2MASS identifications
vsnet-id-2mass@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp 2MASS-selected variable star candidates
vsnet-id-sn@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp SN-related identifications
vsnet-recent-sn@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Recent SN summary
vsnet-recent-nova@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Recent nova summary
vsnet-recent-blazar@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Recent blazar activity summary
vsnet-recent-xray@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Recent X-ray binary activity summary
vsnet-recent-rcb@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Recent R CrB stars summary
vsnet-recent-symbio@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Recent symbiotic summary
vsnet-recent-acyg@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Recent alpha Cyg type summary
vsnet-recent-rscvn@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Recent RS CVn type summary
vsnet-recent-cep@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Recent Cepheid summary
vsnet-recent-rr@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Recent RR Lyr type summary
vsnet-recent-dsct@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Recent delta Sct type summary
vsnet-recent-sxphe@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Recent SX Phe type summary
vsnet-recent-acv@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Recent alpha CVn type summary
vsnet-recent-ss@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Recent unclassified short-period variables summary
vsnet-lost@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Lost variables report
vsnet-unknown@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Unknown variables report
vsnet-const@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Constant variables report
vsnet-pn@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Planetary nebulae
vsnet-sleepy@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp I'm sleepy
vsnet-ecl@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Eclipsing binaries
vsnet-rr@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Short-period pulsating variables
vsnet-flare@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Stellar flares
vsnet-newvar@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Reporting new variables
vsnet-gcvs@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp GCVS/NSV revision project
vsnet-cvcirc@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp VSNET CV Circulars
vsnet-miracirc@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp VSNET Mira Circulars
vsnet-campaign@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp VSNET Collaboration team list
vsnet-campaign-blazar@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp VSNET Collaboration team list for blazars
vsnet-campaign-sn@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp VSNET Collaboration team list for supernovae (SNe)
vsnet-campaign-nova@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp VSNET Collaboration team list for dwarf novae
vsnet-campaign-xray@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp VSNET Collaboration team list for X-ray binaries
vsnet-campaign-be@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp VSNET Collaboration team list for Be stars
vsnet-campaign-ip@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp VSNET Collaboration team list for intermediate polars (IPs)
vsnet-campaign-data@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp VSNET Collaboration team list, reporting data
vsnet-survey@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Survey
vsnet-image@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Posting images
vsnet-ada-news@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp VSNET-ADA Collaboration
represents the average degree of e-mail traffic)
The first address is used for data distribution. The second is for
alert on the discovery of
rare outbursts, discovery of new
variable star, dramatic change of known variable stars
(^^;) and so on.
The third is for the general information, complied data,
The fourth is devoted to discussions more diversely related to
variable stars and variable star observing. Members may also post their
self-introduction to this list. Vsnet-chart is dedicated to distributing
finding charts. The list vsnet-recent and vsnet-mira are for
distribution of compiled up-to-date observations of targets of
interest. The list vsnet-id is for distribution of cross identification
list of variable stars. The list vsnet-future is reserved for future.
The list vsnet-ecl is for eclipsing binary observers, both for data
exchange and discussions.
The list vsnet-newvar is for reporting newly discovered variable stars
(the data format should be the same as in vsnet-obs). Two lists
vsnet-cvcirc and vsnet-miracirc are for distributing VSNET circulars
for CVs and long-period variables, respectively.
(Note: "vsnet-alert" may be better suited for initial subscription than
the other three, especially for those who want information on up-to-date
variable star events. The list vsnet-digest is delivered daily, which
includes the titles of issues of each day, with links to the WWW pages).
I want to participate to VSNET. What to do?
If you wish to join,
please send the message to
(not to majordomo or to other addresses; such requests may not be
properly handled by the VSNET administrators)
containing the following statement :
- SUBSCRIBE <the chosen VSNET address> <your e-mail address>
Example :
If you want alert-mail only :
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-alert myname@myinst.country
If you want all vsnet mails :
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-obs myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-alert myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-outburst myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-nl myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-sss myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-grb myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-rcb myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-symbio myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-polar myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-ip myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-orion myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-lpv myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-rvtau myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-announce myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-be myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-sdor myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-chat myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-chart myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-sequence myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-preprint myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-deepsky myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-jet myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-digest myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-recent myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-mira myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-mira-be myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-mira-irr myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-recent-wanted myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-mira-wanted myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-id myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-id-rosat myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-id-2mass myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-id-2mass-var myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-id-sn myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-recent-sn myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-recent-nova myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-recent-blazar myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-recent-xray myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-recent-rcb myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-recent-symbio myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-recent-acyg myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-recent-rscvn myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-recent-cep myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-recent-rr myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-recent-dsct myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-recent-sxphe myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-recent-acv myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-recent-ss myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-lost myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-unknown myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-const myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-pn myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-sleepy myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-future myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-computing myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-ecl myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-rr myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-newvar myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-gcvs myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-cvcirc myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-miracirc myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-campaign myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-campaign-blazar myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-campaign-sn myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-campaign-dn myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-campaign-xray myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-campaign-nova myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-campaign-be myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-campaign-ip myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-campaign-data myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-survey myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-image myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-ada-news myname@myinst.country
Or, simply say SUBSCRIBE all.
If you don't specify the necessary lists (i.e. the word "subscribe" only),
we will subscribe you to all VSNET
lists by default (in case you need to subscribe only to vsnet, please
specify "vsnet only" in order to avoid confusion.
When you don't want to receive any more mails from vsnet,
please send mail to vsnet-adm with message :
- UNSUB <the chosen vsnet address> <your e-mail address>
VSNET Constellation mailing lists!
VSNET now has constellation-oriented mailing lists distributing recent data
of variable stars! You can selectively receive information
on your favorite constellations! The following lists are available.
The archive of these mailing lists are not available on-line.
- vsnet-constel-and variable stars in Andromeda
- vsnet-constel-ant variable stars in Antlia
- vsnet-constel-aps variable stars in Apus
- vsnet-constel-aql variable stars in Aquila
- vsnet-constel-aqr variable stars in Aquarius
- vsnet-constel-ara variable stars in Ara
- vsnet-constel-ari variable stars in Aries
- vsnet-constel-aur variable stars in Auriga
- vsnet-constel-boo variable stars in Bootes
- vsnet-constel-cae variable stars in Caelum
- vsnet-constel-cam variable stars in Camelopardalis
- vsnet-constel-cap variable stars in Capricornus
- vsnet-constel-car variable stars in Carina
- vsnet-constel-cas variable stars in Cassiopeia
- vsnet-constel-cen variable stars in Centaurus
- vsnet-constel-cep variable stars in Cepheus
- vsnet-constel-cet variable stars in Cetus
- vsnet-constel-cha variable stars in Chamaeleon
- vsnet-constel-cir variable stars in Circinus
- vsnet-constel-cma variable stars in Canis Major
- vsnet-constel-cmi variable stars in Canis Minor
- vsnet-constel-cnc variable stars in Cancer
- vsnet-constel-col variable stars in Columba
- vsnet-constel-com variable stars in Coma Berenices
- vsnet-constel-cra variable stars in Corona Australis
- vsnet-constel-crb variable stars in Corona Borealis
- vsnet-constel-crt variable stars in Crater
- vsnet-constel-cru variable stars in Crux
- vsnet-constel-crv variable stars in Crovus
- vsnet-constel-cvn variable stars in Canes Venatici
- vsnet-constel-cyg variable stars in Cygnus
- vsnet-constel-del variable stars in Delphinus
- vsnet-constel-dor variable stars in Dorado
- vsnet-constel-dra variable stars in Draco
- vsnet-constel-equ variable stars in Equuleus
- vsnet-constel-eri variable stars in Eridanus
- vsnet-constel-for variable stars in Fornax
- vsnet-constel-gem variable stars in Gemini
- vsnet-constel-gru variable stars in Grus
- vsnet-constel-her variable stars in Hercules
- vsnet-constel-hor variable stars in Horologium
- vsnet-constel-hya variable stars in Hydra
- vsnet-constel-hyi variable stars in Hydrus
- vsnet-constel-ind variable stars in Indus
- vsnet-constel-lac variable stars in Lacerta
- vsnet-constel-leo variable stars in Leo
- vsnet-constel-lep variable stars in Lepus
- vsnet-constel-lib variable stars in Libra
- vsnet-constel-lmi variable stars in Leo Minor
- vsnet-constel-lup variable stars in Lupus
- vsnet-constel-lyn variable stars in Lynx
- vsnet-constel-lyr variable stars in Lyra
- vsnet-constel-men variable stars in Mensa
- vsnet-constel-mic variable stars in Microscopium
- vsnet-constel-mon variable stars in Monoceros
- vsnet-constel-mus variable stars in Musca
- vsnet-constel-nor variable stars in Norma
- vsnet-constel-oct variable stars in Octans
- vsnet-constel-oph variable stars in Ophiuchus
- vsnet-constel-ori variable stars in Orion
- vsnet-constel-pav variable stars in Pavo
- vsnet-constel-peg variable stars in Pegasus
- vsnet-constel-per variable stars in Perseus
- vsnet-constel-phe variable stars in Phoenix
- vsnet-constel-pic variable stars in Pictor
- vsnet-constel-psa variable stars in Piscis Austrinus
- vsnet-constel-psc variable stars in Pisces
- vsnet-constel-pup variable stars in Puppis
- vsnet-constel-pyx variable stars in Pyxis
- vsnet-constel-ret variable stars in Reticulum
- vsnet-constel-scl variable stars in Sculptor
- vsnet-constel-sco variable stars in Scorpius
- vsnet-constel-sct variable stars in Scutum
- vsnet-constel-ser variable stars in Serpens
- vsnet-constel-sex variable stars in Sextans
- vsnet-constel-sge variable stars in Sagitta
- vsnet-constel-sgr variable stars in Sagittarius
- vsnet-constel-tau variable stars in Taurus
- vsnet-constel-tel variable stars in Telescopium
- vsnet-constel-tra variable stars in Triangulum Australe
- vsnet-constel-tri variable stars in Triangulum
- vsnet-constel-tuc variable stars in Tucana
- vsnet-constel-uma variable stars in Ursa Major
- vsnet-constel-umi variable stars in Ursa Minor
- vsnet-constel-vel variable stars in Vela
- vsnet-constel-vir variable stars in Virgo
- vsnet-constel-vol variable stars in Volans
- vsnet-constel-vul variable stars in Vulpecula
- vsnet-constel-other variable stars without constellation designations
In order to subscribe, send a meesage to vsnet-adm@ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp.
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-and myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-ant myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-aps myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-aql myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-aqr myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-ara myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-ari myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-aur myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-boo myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-cae myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-cam myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-cap myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-car myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-cas myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-cen myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-cep myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-cet myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-cha myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-cir myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-cma myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-cmi myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-cnc myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-col myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-com myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-cra myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-crb myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-crt myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-cru myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-crv myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-cvn myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-cyg myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-del myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-dor myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-dra myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-equ myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-eri myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-for myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-gem myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-gru myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-her myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-hor myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-hya myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-hyi myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-ind myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-lac myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-leo myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-lep myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-lib myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-lmi myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-lup myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-lyn myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-lyr myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-men myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-mic myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-mon myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-mus myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-nor myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-oct myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-oph myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-ori myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-pav myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-peg myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-per myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-phe myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-pic myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-psa myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-psc myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-pup myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-pyx myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-ret myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-scl myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-sco myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-sct myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-ser myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-sex myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-sge myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-sgr myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-tau myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-tel myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-tra myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-tri myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-tuc myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-uma myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-umi myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-vel myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-vir myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-vol myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-vul myname@myinst.country
- SUBSCRIBE vsnet-constel-other myname@myinst.country
VSNET Constellation-wanted mailing lists!
VSNET further provides regular information on variable stars
in individual constellations which are in need of more observations.
The lists are as follows. In order to subscribe, please take the
similar procedure as in VSNET Constellation Mailing Lists.
- vsnet-constel-and-wanted
- vsnet-constel-ant-wanted
- vsnet-constel-aps-wanted
- vsnet-constel-aql-wanted
- vsnet-constel-aqr-wanted
- vsnet-constel-ara-wanted
- vsnet-constel-ari-wanted
- vsnet-constel-aur-wanted
- vsnet-constel-boo-wanted
- vsnet-constel-cae-wanted
- vsnet-constel-cam-wanted
- vsnet-constel-cap-wanted
- vsnet-constel-car-wanted
- vsnet-constel-cas-wanted
- vsnet-constel-cen-wanted
- vsnet-constel-cep-wanted
- vsnet-constel-cet-wanted
- vsnet-constel-cha-wanted
- vsnet-constel-cir-wanted
- vsnet-constel-cma-wanted
- vsnet-constel-cmi-wanted
- vsnet-constel-cnc-wanted
- vsnet-constel-col-wanted
- vsnet-constel-com-wanted
- vsnet-constel-cra-wanted
- vsnet-constel-crb-wanted
- vsnet-constel-crt-wanted
- vsnet-constel-cru-wanted
- vsnet-constel-crv-wanted
- vsnet-constel-cvn-wanted
- vsnet-constel-cyg-wanted
- vsnet-constel-del-wanted
- vsnet-constel-dor-wanted
- vsnet-constel-dra-wanted
- vsnet-constel-equ-wanted
- vsnet-constel-eri-wanted
- vsnet-constel-for-wanted
- vsnet-constel-gem-wanted
- vsnet-constel-gru-wanted
- vsnet-constel-her-wanted
- vsnet-constel-hor-wanted
- vsnet-constel-hya-wanted
- vsnet-constel-hyi-wanted
- vsnet-constel-ind-wanted
- vsnet-constel-lac-wanted
- vsnet-constel-leo-wanted
- vsnet-constel-lep-wanted
- vsnet-constel-lib-wanted
- vsnet-constel-lmi-wanted
- vsnet-constel-lup-wanted
- vsnet-constel-lyn-wanted
- vsnet-constel-lyr-wanted
- vsnet-constel-men-wanted
- vsnet-constel-mic-wanted
- vsnet-constel-mon-wanted
- vsnet-constel-mus-wanted
- vsnet-constel-nor-wanted
- vsnet-constel-oct-wanted
- vsnet-constel-oph-wanted
- vsnet-constel-ori-wanted
- vsnet-constel-pav-wanted
- vsnet-constel-peg-wanted
- vsnet-constel-per-wanted
- vsnet-constel-phe-wanted
- vsnet-constel-pic-wanted
- vsnet-constel-psa-wanted
- vsnet-constel-psc-wanted
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A brief guide to subscriptions
Several special cases are described. (The symbol '*' means all the
sublists in that category).
If you are interested in variable star news, subscribe to
vsnet-alert, vsnet-campaign, vsnet-announce
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vsnet, vsnet-chat, vsnet-announce
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If you are interested in supernovae, subscribe to
vsnet-alert, vsnet-discovery-sn, vsnet-announce, vsnet-campaign-sn,
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If you are interested in dwarf novae, subscribe to
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If you are interested in R CrB stars, subscribe to
vsnet-alert, vsnet-announce, vsnet-rcb, vsnet-recent-rcb,
vsnet-cvcirc, vsnet-chat
If you are interested in long-period variables, subscribe to
vsnet-lpv, vsnet-announce, vsnet-mira*, vsnet-miracirc,
If you are interested in amateur-professional collaboration, subscribe to
vsnet-alert, vsnet-campaign*, vsnet-chat
If you wish to receive
- all available information
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- million e-mails
- continuous e-mail inflow
- unprecedented number and amount of e-mails
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Anonymous-FTP service
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for example, preprints, finding charts
in PostScript
in VSNET format;
and so on. Please enjoy these archives. We also welcome your
contribution. When you want to add your articles to the VSNET archive, please e-mail
to vsnet-adm@ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp'. We will distribute the
information concerning newly added articles to this archive
series irregularly.
Joint networks
Posted articles may be transmitted to a joint network
NIFTY-Serve (in Japanese)
a Japanese domestic BBS like CompuServe.
If you don't like
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Thank you for your cooperation.
We expect your great contribution to VSNET!
If you want more imformation or you have any questions on VSNET,
please feel free to send e-mail to
with ordinary message.
Adminstrator's special request
Dear all subscribers of VSNET,
Recently, many e-mails for subscription and
unsubscription have been distributed via all
three mailing lists of VSNET (vsnet, vsnet-alert,
and vsnet-obs). However, such e-mails should
be originally sent to VSNET administrators
The mail posted to vsnet-adm is forwarded to
all administrators, namely, Daisaku Nogami,
Taichi Kato, and Hajime Baba. Since we deal with
the mail manually (adding/deleting an e-mail address
to/from a list, writing a reply, and so on), it
may take several days but we surely do it. We
send an e-mail after we finished the work. So,
please wait for some time before sending mail
When our reply mail does not reach you even several
days after you send a first e-mail, please notify us
*vsnet-adm* of it by e-mail. It is thought to be
caused by some trouble somewhere on the network.
At present, the number of the subscriber exceeds
300! Please behave yourself well not to make some
trouble for interchange of information and advance
in Astronomy!!
Best regards,
VSNET administrators group
(1996 Aug. 22)
We will not be able to properly process e-mail attachments,
such as:
Growth of Total Amount of E-Mails
(JD-2400000 vs bytes/day)
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