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[vsnet-gcvs 72] [vsnet-chat 4334] Re: Orthography of V-numbered variable stars?

[vsnet-chat 4334] Re: Orthography of V-numbered variable stars?

Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 22:09:46 -0700 (MST)
From: Brian Skiff <bas@lowell.edu>

     In re "V 1436 Aql" versus "V1436 Aql", I would follow the usage of
the GCVS itself, which omits the space.  Perhaps adding the space is in
anticipation of >9999 variables in a constellation?  B-)
     For author-designated names, the data centers (SIMBAD, NED) would
almost certainly want to have the acronym (e.g. "Tmz") separate from the
sequence number, thus "Tmz V85" would probably be preferred.  There is an
IAU working group on designations under Commission 5 that deals with this
sort of thing (never mind that authors and journal editors ignore all
of it!).  See their Web page and links about this:


See also my Sky & Telescope article from several years ago with some
discussion about this for amateur observers:



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