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[vsnet-gcvs 80] Re: Orthography of V-numbered variable stars?

Re: Orthography of V-numbered variable stars?

>      For author-designated names, the data centers (SIMBAD, NED) would
> almost certainly want to have the acronym (e.g. "Tmz") separate from the
> sequence number, thus "Tmz V85" would probably be preferred.  There is an
> IAU working group on designations under Commission 5 that deals with this
> sort of thing.

    One of members of this working group (or may have been Commisssion
members) have once recommended that "TmzV" should be the acronym rather
than "Tmz".  Is the difference a matter of preference, or does it reflect
different interpretations of of the nomenclature system?

Taichi Kato

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