IX Dra
As reported by M. Reszelski, a new ER UMa-type star, IX Dra experienced
a bright (14.7mag) outburst on February 19. The brightness indicates a
superoutburst (vsnet-campaign-dn
2135). A long duration of the outburst indicates that it was a superoutburst
A bright outburst (14.7mag) was detected by M. Reszelski on April 22 (vsnet-campaign-dn
2335). The outburst lasted over a week (vsnet-campaign-dn
An outburst of 15.5mag was reported on May 8 by P. A. Dubovsky (vsnet-campaign-dn
2388). The next outburst was observed on May 11 at 15.3mag by M. Reszelski
2395). A subsequent bright outburst (14.9mag) was reported on May 14 (vsnet-campaign-dn
2408). The outburst continued on May 15-18 (vsnet-campaign-dn
After some faint outbursts (vsnet-campaign-dn
2615), a relatively bright outburst (14.9mag) was reported on July 12
2646), and on August 12 (vsnet-campaign-dn
The Kyoto team detected a rise to superoutburst on October 10. Superhumps
were detected on all analyzed runs of the Kyoto team during this superoutburst
plateau. The detection of likely superhumps during the rising branch made
a further confirmation of early-time appearance of large-amplitude superhumps
in ER UMa stars (vsnet-campaign-dn
2907). The object entered a rapid fading phase from the superoutburst
around October 30 (vsnet-campaign-dn
2935, 2944,