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[vsnet-survey 67] Re: variable star survey by Vello Tabur

Re: variable star survey by Vello Tabur

Vello and all,

> > Finally, who should I report these observations to?  I tried contacting
> > the AAVSO but they never return my e-mails. Surely someone would be
> > interested in 24,000 magnitude estimates (and growing!)
> And I should mention VSNET itself at:  
> http://www.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/vsnet/  Their mailing list archive contains 
> vast amounts of info and (fortunately) it is searchable online. You can also 
> subscribe to any of a zillion mailing lists - but be warned the traffic on 
> some of them is immense!
> [...]
> Another alternative is to send your data to VSNET. A number of CCD and 
> photographic observers already do this as a matter of routine; and some of 
> them are only doing differential photometry like you. Of course identify the 
> comparison stars etc. Some of these listings contain variables that are 
> recorded nowhere else.

   One of the best (and straightforward) ways of officially (and most
conveniently) reporting these new variable stars is to use vsnet-newvar
(vsnet-newvar@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp).  The list provides a concrete way
for the GCVS team to designate new variable stars, and to make an
announcement of new variable stars to the interested people.  Anyone
interested in making follow-up observations of your variables (and making
further identifications) can subscribe to vsnet-newvar.

   You can see such recent reports at:


   And search for MisV, TmzV and other variables to see how they have been
reported.  The work may be like this:

   1) Make your own designation (e.g. assign a unique code) for the variable.

   2) Make a report containing coordinates, range of variability and other
      necessary information.

   3) Adding individual observations is also recommended; they will be
      used by the GCVS team as the source reference.  Please use "vsnet-obs"
      format (http://www.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/vsnet/etc/format.html).
     [For CCD observations, the reports of MisV would be a guide].

   4) Then post to vsnet-newvar.  One post for each one variable star is
      preferred, especially you include individual observations.

   5) The newly reported variable stars will be later checked against
      existing catalogs and other reported variable stars.

Taichi Kato

VSNET Home Page
