New variable star discovered on Stardial-CCD-images (HassfortherV43): 2000 185043.42 -033430.6 HassfortherV43 6.8-7.0I SR 35-40d HassfortherV43 (2000) 18h50m43.42 -03 34.51 = GSC 5118 470 = IRAS18481-0338 Checking 212 Stardial-images from 1996 to 2000 showed GSC 5118 470 to be a semiregular red variable star. The period is in the order of 35 to 40 days, the amplitude up to 0.2 mag. A check of the available TASS-measurements proofed the star to be variable with small amplitude. The TASS-Photometry shows the star to be red: V = 10.95 (20 measurements) I = 6.87 (23 measurements) Lightcurves: Stardial: TASS: Bela Hassforther, 21.06.2000