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[vsnet-chat 5698] IBVS submittals in ascii - anyone have an URL?


It is possible to submit to IBVS via ascii by uploading to an ftp
account and sending a covering email, without having to go the usual,
somewhat perverse, route of covering oneself in LaTeX.

I have heard of people taking this route.  If someone out there could
forward the details and/or an URL to this list (to which the person who
asked me is a subscribist), it would be useful, as I have been asked
about this and can't remember where I learnt of it.

Meanwhile, I have tried unsuccessfully twice to unsubscribte to
vsnet-chat, which I didn't subscribe to in the first place, but got
shoved on due to a confusion of postings in vsnet-newvar.

I want out.  Majordomo-chan is not being very co-operative, and the
webpages (where there's plenty of details on how to subscribe, but
nothing explicit on unsusbcribing) haven't helped.  Anyone send me the

If this test email gets through, it will confirm that I am still on

While I'm being generally crabby, why do the vsnet web pages have to run
this java script that incessantly downloads little gifs for the
animations?  It _seriously_ slows down access for us poor dialup slobs,
and further, the dang script keeps running and if you're not careful
will cause the browser to autoconnect once you've disconnected if you
keep the browser open for offline reading, as it tries to download the
next gif.

(Actually, I've resorted to toggling java on and off before going to the
vsnet webpages, but that itself is a an unnecessary nuisance.  An
original query to the 'burning' man himself resulted in no response).


John Greaves

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