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[vsnet-chat 4702] re SARVs - AU Ari

In my last post I said SARVs may now possibly be known as AU Aur stars I

actually I should have said SARVs may now possibly be known as AU ARI stars
[hey you Harry stars perchance ;) ]

Type star of the new Namelist 76 introduced SRS variability type, this star
is catalogued as having a magnitude range of 8.45 to 8.69 in the Hipparcos
Photometric Magnitude system, with no period quoted.

Possibly SARVs have finally come home to roust with this definition, but
interestingly a newly named variable as identified via Hipparcos data has
been chosen rather than already known variables that have either been
studied as SARVs by the Mount Johns group[s] or say Percy and the AAVSO PEP
groups with their SARV projects over the years.

Especially as Hipparcos epoch photometry isn't ideal for periodicity work,
and indeed is documented by the Hipparcos people themselves as being
intrinsically unable to be solved for periods twixt 20 and 100 days, which
is still within the SRS "window", whilst the above mentioned groups have
generated fairly long photometry baselines for their project stars.



John Greaves

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