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[vsnet-chat 4703] Re: WZ Sge multicolor photometry

Hi Lew,

Saw your message there. I tried the V filter but soon had problems. Even
at -20C the humidity quickly fogs up the filter. So back to unfiltered. I
noted a pretty broad hump around Aug 4.358UT and a nice sharp peak at Aug
4.416. The phase has changed a bit by the following night and the period
came out at 0.05794. The early peak on August 4 was at about 2 air masses so
the measures were pretty ordinary. JOP predicted the superhumps would begin
on Aug 3 - pretty close if this is the start!

----- Original Message -----
From: Lew Cook <lcoo@yahoo.com>
To: VSNET CHAT <vsnet-chat@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp>; vsnet-campaign-dn
<vsnet-campaign-dn@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp>; cba-news
<news@cba.phys.columbia.edu>; <eb@algol.boulder.swri.edu>
Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2001 5:13 PM
Subject: [vsnet-chat 4694] WZ Sge multicolor photometry

> Arne Henden, Dirk Terrell, Chuck Pullen and I collaborated on WZ Sge,
> observing in 4 different colors. We have CCD observations from our 4
> observing locations in U, H-alpha, V and B  (but not all
> simultaneously), on July 28 and 29 UT when the star was flickering.
> We have the U, B, V, and H-alpha curves plotted together and also the
> color curves - U-B, B-V and B-Halpha. In summary, we find the
> flickering is greatest in U and the other colors track the B closely
> with only a few differences.
> Our preliminary light curves and some interpretations are presented
> at
> http://vsnet.geocities.com/lcoo/wzsge4c.htm
> =====
> Regards, Lew
> p.s. I have developed a light curve plotting spreadsheet
> AIP4Plot.xls especially for AIP4WIN photometry software.
> Free! at  http://vsnet.lewcook.com/aip4plot.htm
> AIP4WIN accompanies R. Berry and J. Burnell's new book:
> Astronomical Image Processing. See
> http://vsnet.willbell.com/aip/index.htm
> __________________________________________________
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