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[vsnet-chat 4344] FWD: V1436 Aql: Tycho Epoch Photometry Annex B request

Here's the Tycho Epoch Photometry data for TYC 1043 1399 = V1436 Aql, as
forwarded from the CDS

Columns are delimited by | symbol.

First line is a header, then you get line by line of data for which:

first column is Barycentric Julian Date - 2440000 (more or less HJD if you
work to 3 decimals), then BT, then standard dev. on BT, then a column that
I forget but I do remember the higher the number the less the quality of
the value, then VT, then standard dev. on VT, then another quality column,
then several other columns of informational data as described in section
2.6 of the catalogue, which is probably on line at an Hipparcos ESTEC site.



>Please find below the Tycho Epoch Photometry from Annex B for 1043-1399-1 --
>I hope it will be useful !
>Best Regards,
>Francois Ochsenbein
>CDS, Strasbourg
>>Could you kindly forward the Tycho Epoch Photometry from Annex B for :
>>Tycho1 1043 1399 1
>>Thanks for your time
>>John Greaves
>The format of the Tycho Photometry Annex B is identical to that of
>Annex A, described in section 2.6 of the  Hipparcos Catalogue
>----TYC 1043-1399-1 112
>1043| 1399|1|112| 79|11.264|0.079|10.582|13.103| 97| 9.642|0.032| 9.356|
9.955| 0| 0
>7960.13023| 9.942|     |  7.60| 9.612|     | 10.30|  971.6|  2.4|     |
|     |27
>7960.13025|10.190|     |  7.60| 9.905|     | 10.30|  973.2| 47.4|     |
|     |19
>7960.14455|10.459|0.428|  5.29| 9.529|0.293|  7.84| 1005.2|  2.3| -147|
249|  1.5| 8
>7960.14457|10.712|0.405|  5.29| 9.452|0.209|  7.84| 1007.1| 47.3|  101|
148|  1.4| 0
>7960.21907|10.184|0.303|  3.24| 9.622|0.265|  4.84|  100.1|  2.2|  107|
187|  1.7|24
>7960.21915|11.220|     |  3.24| 9.464|0.182|  4.84|  105.8| 47.2|  -13|
138|  1.1|17
>7960.23340|10.317|0.288|  2.56| 9.796|0.305|  4.84| -105.4| 92.2| -140|
164|  1.3| 8
>7960.23348|11.023|0.372|  2.56| 9.575|0.204|  4.84| -105.5| 47.2|  -15|
120|  0.6| 0
>7985.72336|10.299|0.512| 15.21|10.121|     | 18.49|-1113.2|356.6| -920|
935|  1.8|26
>7985.72337|10.583|0.480| 15.21| 9.475|0.268| 18.49|-1113.7|311.6|  357|
275|  1.4|16
>7985.73769| 9.792|0.446| 33.64| 8.909|0.327| 39.69|-1044.4|356.6|  500|
483|  2.1| 8
>7985.73771| 9.973|0.383| 33.64| 8.988|0.259| 39.69|-1043.3|311.6|  170|
266|  0.8| 0
>8009.19838|10.877|     |  4.84| 9.356|0.248|  6.76|  629.7|336.3| -221|
372|  1.3| 9
>8009.19842|10.558|0.333|  4.84| 9.749|0.252|  6.76|  625.3| 21.3| -235|
146|  0.8| 0
>8009.27292| 9.125|     | 62.97| 8.749|     | 73.98| -437.9| 66.5|     |
|     |27
>8009.28725| 9.867|0.267|  6.76| 9.201|0.238|  9.00| -484.1| 66.4|   -5|
139|  1.4| 8
>8009.28730|10.950|     |  6.76| 9.820|0.291|  9.00| -482.3| 21.4|  109|
228|  1.5| 1
>8147.93061|10.570|0.444|  4.84| 9.231|0.211|  6.25| -211.7|195.1| -505|
193|  1.6|24
>8147.93068|10.910|0.421|  4.84| 9.267|0.166|  6.25| -209.5|150.1|  -21|
111|  1.0|16
>8147.94494|11.117|0.518|  2.56| 9.758|0.283|  3.61|  115.6|105.1|  259|
369|  1.5| 8
>8147.94502|11.111|0.402|  2.56| 9.852|0.229|  3.61|  109.6|150.1|  119|
157|  2.3| 0
>8148.01955|10.518|0.303|  1.00| 9.973|0.297|  2.89|  916.3|105.2|   69|
183|  0.8|24
>8148.01957|10.539|0.250|  1.00| 9.647|0.183|  2.89|  917.5|150.2|  103|
82|  1.3|16
>8169.61119|10.109|     |  4.97| 9.741|     |  8.17|   34.8|173.9|     |
|     |27
>8169.61128|10.371|     |  4.97|10.037|     |  8.17|   35.6|218.9|     |
|     |19
>8169.62557|10.262|     |  8.84| 9.775|     | 11.50| -309.7|218.9|     |
|     | 3
>8196.62065|11.227|     |  2.25|10.539|     |  4.84| -800.1|166.3|  450|
234|  2.9|27
>8196.62068|11.020|0.356|  2.25| 9.601|0.194|  4.84| -797.9|121.3|    6|
110|  1.4|16
>8196.72382| 9.671|     | 17.75| 9.230|     | 21.29|  747.2|135.0|     |
|     |11
>8196.72385|10.516|     | 17.64| 9.410|0.284| 21.16|  746.9|120.9|  612|
786|  0.8| 1
>8306.63575| 9.932|0.356|  9.00| 9.288|0.270| 10.89|  740.1|  2.7|  179|
224|  1.0|24
>8306.63578|10.394|0.377|  9.00| 9.281|0.196| 10.89|  741.2| 47.7|  284|
135|  1.6|16
>8306.65006|10.772|0.453|  3.24| 9.674|0.307|  5.76|  528.6|  2.6|  505|
363|  1.4| 8
>8306.65011|10.621|0.312|  3.24| 9.424|0.192|  5.76|  525.4| 47.6|   62|
113|  0.7| 0
>8306.81353| 9.944|     | 10.34| 9.541|     | 13.26| -740.9|225.0|     |
|     |27
>8306.81356|10.749|     | 10.89| 9.430|0.234| 13.69| -745.1| 47.1|  -14|
139|  1.2|17
>8306.82789| 9.928|0.287|  7.84| 9.581|0.334| 10.89|-1184.7| 92.0|  -88|
192|  0.9| 8
>8306.82790|10.603|0.370|  7.84| 9.804|0.309| 10.89|-1184.5| 47.0|  213|
225|  3.3| 0
>8324.15963|11.146|     |  3.24| 9.370|0.232|  5.29| -733.4| 18.3|    2|
145|  2.1| 9
>8324.15967|11.124|0.411|  3.24| 9.505|0.200|  5.29| -736.9|333.3|  -70|
140|  1.9| 0
>8324.23419|10.620|0.362|  2.25| 9.414|0.218|  4.00| -132.9| 18.1|   51|
151|  1.3|24
>8324.23426|11.577|     |  2.25| 9.492|0.172|  3.61| -139.1|333.1|  211|
99|  4.1|17
>8324.24850|10.721|0.393|  2.89| 9.386|0.235|  5.29| -231.8| 18.0|  -98|
157|  0.7| 8
>8324.24857|10.725|0.314|  2.89| 9.707|0.231|  5.29| -222.7|333.0| -192|
126|  1.1| 0
>8324.32316| 9.910|0.259|  2.56| 8.838|0.155|  4.41| 1116.7|287.7|  435|
94|  2.8|24
>8324.32317|10.728|0.342|  2.56| 9.858|0.232|  4.41| 1116.1|332.7| -206|
146|  1.0|16
>8324.33746|10.028|0.280|  4.00| 9.367|0.239|  5.76|  946.5|287.7|   12|
199|  1.4| 8
>8324.33748|11.236|     |  3.61| 9.668|0.225|  5.76|  942.8|332.7|  -33|
142|  0.8| 1
>8354.97918| 9.893|0.495| 22.09| 9.075|0.318| 27.04|  607.5|350.4| -388|
831|  0.9|24
>8354.97923|10.100|0.412| 22.09| 9.214|0.255| 27.04|  611.1| 35.4| -121|
246|  0.3|20
>8354.99348| 9.494|0.363| 29.16| 8.828|0.299| 33.64|  453.1|350.4| -221|
875|  1.3| 8
>8354.99354| 9.526|0.276| 29.16| 9.066|0.263| 33.64|  455.9| 35.4|   55|
186|  0.9| 0
>8355.06810| 8.383|     |327.67| 8.014|     |327.67| -872.7| 80.3|     |
|     |27
>8355.06812| 8.668|     |327.67| 8.342|     |327.67| -873.2| 35.3|     |
|     |19
>8390.26570|10.468|     |  2.99| 9.952|     |  4.74| 1147.1|135.0|     |
|     |11
>8390.26571|10.656|0.330|  2.89| 9.506|0.194|  4.84| 1146.3|298.9|  145|
106|  2.1| 0
>8401.80639|11.186|0.703|  4.41| 9.750|0.316|  6.25| -245.9| 29.6|  -39|
455|  0.6|24
>8401.80646|10.304|0.267|  4.41| 9.646|0.215|  5.76| -243.8|344.6|  -41|
107|  0.9|16
>8401.82070|10.561|0.369|  3.61| 9.256|0.215|  5.29|  -89.0| 29.5|    9|
140|  1.0| 8
>8401.82078|10.519|0.291|  3.61| 9.697|0.232|  5.29|  -77.1|344.5|  -35|
120|  2.4| 0
>8401.89534|10.448|0.287|  1.69| 9.459|0.209|  2.89|-1106.9| 29.9| -135|
115|  1.3|24
>8401.89535|10.884|0.304|  1.69| 9.439|0.161|  2.89|-1107.9|344.9|   59|
80|  0.8|16
>8401.90968|10.366|0.268|  1.96| 9.421|0.214|  3.24|-1130.9| 29.9|  -11|
116|  1.6| 8
>8401.90969|10.743|0.279|  1.96| 9.754|0.215|  3.24|-1129.5|344.9|  -23|
109|  2.6| 0
>8494.98312| 9.502|0.312| 18.49| 9.767|0.514| 21.16| -146.8|219.2| -643|
529|  1.0|24
>8494.98320|10.580|     | 18.49| 9.321|0.256| 21.16| -141.5|174.1|  239|
193|  0.9|17
>8494.99743| 9.520|0.259| 10.89|10.151|     | 12.96|  312.0|129.3| -140|
250|  1.7|14
>8494.99750|10.146|0.320| 10.89| 9.411|0.248| 12.96|  308.1|174.3|  224|
153|  1.4| 0
>8495.07207|10.432|0.363|  2.56| 9.668|0.267|  4.00|  884.5|129.5| -265|
173|  0.5|24
>8495.07210|10.680|0.343|  2.89| 9.434|0.177|  4.41|  884.7|174.5| -263|
113|  2.1|16
>8508.86120|10.934|0.421|  1.44| 9.470|0.219|  2.89| 1117.3|182.3| -114|
142|  4.1| 8
>8508.86121|10.623|0.280|  1.44| 9.395|0.166|  2.89| 1116.3|227.3|  127|
89|  1.7| 0
>8508.93568|10.859|0.465|  2.56| 9.263|0.206|  4.41|  280.7|182.6|  101|
185|  0.9|24
>8508.93575|10.765|0.332|  2.56| 9.617|0.196|  4.00|  283.3|227.6|   58|
112|  0.9|16
>8508.95003|10.441|0.328|  2.56| 9.662|0.281|  4.00|   96.6|182.6| -682|
189|  0.9| 8
>8508.95011|10.373|0.251|  2.56| 9.094|0.148|  4.00|  104.9|227.6| -118|
82|  1.4| 0
>8575.33069|11.184|     |  2.89| 9.212|0.205|  5.29| -309.7|229.8| -200|
230|  0.6|25
>8575.33076|10.678|0.314|  2.89| 9.584|0.203|  5.29| -312.0|184.8|   94|
104|  2.6|16
>8575.34497|10.614|0.320|  1.69| 9.212|0.189|  3.24| -393.5|229.7|   68|
120|  1.8| 8
>8575.34503|11.124|0.362|  1.69| 9.672|0.205|  3.24| -396.7|184.7|  132|
112|  1.2| 0
>8575.41961|11.184|     |  2.89|10.539|     |  4.84|-1131.1|229.4| -698|
165|  1.5|27
>8575.41962|11.164|0.426|  2.89| 9.696|0.214|  4.84|-1131.5|184.4|   18|
132|  0.3|16
>8575.43392|10.795|0.351|  1.69| 9.435|0.221|  3.24|-1086.3|229.4|  -62|
144|  0.2| 8
>8575.43393|11.906|     |  1.69| 9.342|0.166|  3.24|-1086.8|184.4|   49|
87|  0.6| 1
>8589.55067|11.227|     |  2.25| 9.394|0.216|  4.00| -935.0|167.6|  166|
124|  1.4|25
>8589.55069|11.293|0.454|  2.56| 9.540|0.188|  4.41| -933.0|122.6|  -27|
122|  0.8|16
>8589.56496|10.390|0.278|  1.96| 9.239|0.196|  3.61| -929.5|167.5|   14|
126|  0.8| 8
>8589.56498|11.873|     |  1.96| 9.691|0.212|  3.61| -930.0|122.5| -154|
131|  1.7| 1
>8589.63949|10.529|0.355|  2.56| 9.755|0.288|  4.41| -333.7|167.1| -238|
238|  1.0|24
>8589.63956|11.103|0.411|  2.56| 9.636|0.201|  4.41| -334.3|122.1|   59|
111|  1.1|16
>8589.65380|10.769|0.368|  1.96| 9.495|0.235|  3.61| -360.8|167.1|   14|
181|  1.1| 8
>8589.65386|10.950|0.331|  1.96| 9.295|0.164|  3.61| -358.4|122.1|  -84|
89|  0.5| 0
>8700.54734|10.433|0.323|  2.25| 9.935|0.319|  4.00| -309.1| 89.4|  124|
203|  1.4|24
>8700.54741|11.848|     |  1.96| 9.544|0.186|  4.00| -313.1| 44.4|  321|
95|  2.4|21
>8700.56170|10.980|0.429|  1.96| 9.493|0.235|  3.61| -521.4| 89.3|    1|
165|  0.9| 8
>8700.56175|11.873|     |  1.96| 9.124|0.149|  3.61| -526.2| 44.3| -271|
73|  3.0| 5
>8729.33736|11.458|     |  1.69| 9.564|0.239|  3.24|  848.9|260.2|  -60|
179|  1.1|25
>8729.33739|11.379|0.507|  1.69| 9.550|0.182|  3.24|  847.0|305.2|   10|
112|  1.8|16
>8729.35169|11.174|     |  2.56| 9.644|0.279|  4.41|  980.4|260.2|   55|
218|  0.7| 9
>8729.35170|11.498|     |  2.25| 9.727|0.220|  4.00|  979.0|305.2|   81|
131|  1.4| 1
>8749.24461|11.552|     |  1.96| 9.301|0.202|  3.61| -155.7| 56.9|  198|
130|  1.8|25
>8749.24469| 9.842|0.176|  1.96| 8.870|0.119|  3.24| -153.3| 11.9| -221|
50|  3.3|20
>8749.25895|11.278|     |  2.56| 9.108|0.191|  4.41| -390.6| 56.9|    4|
171|  0.9| 9
>8749.25901|11.110|0.402|  2.56| 9.762|0.236|  4.41| -384.5| 11.9|  -92|
144|  0.4| 0
>9037.02849|10.649|0.407|  3.24| 9.551|0.263|  5.29| -701.1| 92.0|  -41|
189|  0.6|24
>9037.02853|10.423|0.270|  3.24| 9.474|0.190|  5.29| -698.0| 47.0|  -41|
111|  3.4|16
>9037.04280|10.933|0.488|  3.61| 9.281|0.225|  5.29| -683.0| 91.9| -134|
194|  0.6| 8
>9037.04284|10.483|0.284|  3.61| 9.640|0.227|  5.29| -683.0| 46.9|   41|
120|  1.5| 0
>9054.51244|10.367|0.333|  3.24| 9.273|0.211|  4.84| -940.8| 18.5|   34|
163|  0.6|24
>9054.51246|10.641|0.312|  3.24| 9.743|0.226|  4.84| -939.2|333.5|  -97|
120|  1.1|16
>9054.52678|10.629|0.476|  6.25| 9.498|0.302|  8.41| -872.8| 18.5| -129|
506|  2.2| 8
>9054.52680|10.528|0.340|  6.25| 9.589|0.252|  8.41| -872.4|333.5| -165|
169|  3.0| 0

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