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[vsnet-campaign 1237] 1RXS J232953.9+062814: small rebrightening?

1RXS J232953.9+062814: small rebrightening?

    We found that the object experienced a small rebrightening 
about ten days ago.  Both observations by the Kyoto team and 
T. Krajci detected this event.  The object continued gradual fading 
until December 1, and then, the rebrightening started.  The rising rate 
is relatively slow, and the object became 0.15mag brighter on the 
monotonous gradual decline trend on December 2 - 3. 
After this peak, its fading rate returned to the monotonous gradual trend 
before the rebrightening.  

    Its amplitude and rising/fading rates are somewhat different from 
those of the last rebrightening of this object and those typically 
observed after superoutbursts.  The profile of the light curve is 
rather similar to re-flare phenomenon seen in X-ray novae.

    Such event might be repetitive.  Close monitoring and time-series 
observations are encouraged.

Makoto Uemura

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