VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary *** Last week news *** (new targets) SN 2001ie (RA = 10h16m50s.70, Dec = +60d16'44".5) A. Dimai reported the discovery by A. Bincoletto of an apparent supernova (mag about 16.5) in the image on Dec. 9 in IAUC 7771. H. Yamaoka reported that the recession velocity of UGC 5542 (the host elliptical galaxy of SN 2001ie) is 9215 km/s, from which the expected maximum for the normal SN Ia is about 1 mag dimmer than reported (vsnet-campaign-sn 293). The CfA team (IAUC 7774) and the Asiago team (IAUC 7776) took a spectrum of this object, which revealed that it is of type Ia a few days after maximum on Dec. 13 (vsnet-campaign-sn 298). SN 2001if (RA = 02h28m54s.93, Dec = +38d05'52".7) G. M. Hurst reports the discovery by T. Boles of an apparent supernova (mag 17.2) in the image taken on Dec. 9 in IAUC 7771. H. Yamaoka reported that the expected maximum of the typical SN Ia on this galaxy is mag about 17.5 (vsnet-campaign-sn 293). SN 2001ig (RA = 22h57m30s.69, Dec = -41d02'25".9) R. Evans discovered SN 2001ig (14.5mag) visually on Dec. 10.43, and confirmed by C. Bembrick with CCD on Dec. 10.55. The position is about 139" east and 109" north of the big face-on open-spiral galaxy NGC 7424. The spectrum taken at Las Campanas Observatory shows it is in the very early phase. The CfA team reports the provisional classification as type II/IIb, but further spectroscopy is needed to confirm (vsnet-campaign-sn 295, 296). V632 Cyg (RA = 21h36m04s.268, Dec = +40o26'19".63) M. Simonsen reported an outburst (13.7mag) of V632 Cyg on December 11. This outburst is the first one reported in this year (vsnet-campaign-dn 1966, 1967). The object started gradual fading from December 12 (vsnet-campaign-dn 1972, 1974, 1977). The time-series photometry on December 12 at Kyoto showed relatively flat, but some hints of 0.1mag, 2-hr period modulations (vsnet-campaign-dn 1975, 1979). A rapid fading was observed on December 14 by the Kyoto team (vsnet-campaign-dn 1981). The fading still continues (vsnet-campaign-dn 1984, 1985). H. Yamaoka performed astrometry using CCD images taken by the Kyoto team. A counterpart in USNO-A2.0 catalogue is a star with r=16.4 and b=16.6 (vsnet-campaign-dn 1986, 1987). V1028 Cyg (RA = 20h00m52.13s, Dec = +56d56'22.3") M. Simonsen detected a possible superoutburst of the short-period SU UMa-type dwarf nova V1028 Cyg at 13.3mag on December 12. The last superoutburst was observed in early Novevmber, 2000 (vsnet-campaign-dn 1971). J. Pietz reported 0.25mag humps in the light curve on December 13 (vsnet-campaign-dn 1976). The superoutburst continues (vsnet-campaign-dn 1978, 1982). MisV1147 (RA = 22h54m03s.78, Dec = +58d54'02".1) This new variable star is now brightening. The object reached 12.34mag on 2001 October 3 from about 13.4mag on 2000 October (vsnet-campaign-unknown 1). Follow-up observations are encouraged. (continuous targets) IW And (RA = 01h01m08s.82, Dec = +43d23'27".3) The object remains the bright outburst state (vsnet-campaign-dn 1968, 1969, 1983). Observations by the Kyoto team showed slow fading of the object. The maximum was on December 7 (vsnet-campaign-dn 1980). SN 2001ib (RA = 22h15m38s.72, Dec = +37d17'56".0) IAUC 7773 informed that this SN is of type Ia near maximum light on Dec. 10, and the spectrum shows some features which are typical for a somewhat subluminous event. The shifts of absorption lines are consistent that this SN has the same recession velocity as NGC 7242. Thus, this galaxy should be nearer (factor ~ 2) than estimated from v_r (vsnet-campaign-sn 294). 1RXS J232953.9+062814 (RA = 23h29m54s.30, Dec = +06d28'10".9) Both observations by the Kyoto team and T. Krajci detected a small rebrightening started on December 2. The rising rate is relatively slow, and the object became 0.15mag brighter on the monotonous gradual decline trend on December 2 - 3. After this peak, its fading rate returned to the monotonous gradual trend before the rebrightening. Its amplitude and rising/fading rates are somewhat different from those of the last rebrightening of this object and those typically observed after superoutbursts (vsnet-campaign 1237). BL Lac (RA = 22h02m42.86s, Dec = +42d16'37.6") Reported observations on December 10 and 11 indicate that the object became slightly brighter (about 14.4mag) (vsnet-campaign-blazar 233). WZ Sge (RA = 20h07m36s.53, Dec = +17d42'15".3) The slow fading still continues (vsnet-campaign-dn 1970). SDSSp J173008.38+624754.7 (RA = 17h30m08s.38, Dec = +62d47'54".7) The Kyoto team detected a minor brightening of an amplitude of 1.4mag on December 11 (vsnet-campaign-dn 1973). *** Future schedule *** Request for observations of Seyfert galaxies The VSNET team have received a request for photometric observations of the following (and possibly other) Seyfert galaxies from Valya Doroshenko. Please observe them and report. NGC 1275, 3227, 3516, 4051, 4151, 4593, 6814, 7469; Mkn 6, 335, 509, 530, 1040; Akn 120, 564; Cyg X-1 [vsnet-campaign-blazar 234,235] [vsnet-campaign-xray 102, 103] [vsnet-campaign-agn 1] International Conference on Classical Nova Explosions Sitges (Barcelona), Spain: 20-24 May 2002 For more detailed information, see http://vsnet.ieec.fcr.es/novaconf [vsnet-campaign-nova 643] Blazar meeting at Tuorla: June 17-21, 2002 for more information, see http://vsnet.astro.utu.fi/blazar02 [vsnet-campaign-blazar 232] International workshop "XEUS - studying the evolution of the hot universe" March 11-13, 2002 ; MPE Garching, Germany for more information, see http://wave.xray.mpe.mpg.de/conferences/xeus-workshop [vsnet-campaign-xray 98] *** General information *** X-ray transients in M31 M. Garcia et al. reported some X-ray transients detected by the Chandra X-ray observatory in ATEL #79 (vsnet-campaign-xray 99). MCQC J162847-4152 Reports by G. S. Tsarevsky et al. in ATEL #80, see [vsnet-campaign-xray 100, 101] V1028 Cyg Light curve presented by J. Pietz: http://home.t-online.de/home/Jochen.Pietz/v1028_01.gif [vsnet-campaign-dn 1976] SN 2001ib Spectrum and image presented by M. Gavin: http://home.freeuk.com/m.gavin/sn2001ib.gif http://home.freeuk.com/m.gavin/snspec.htm [vsnet-campaign-sn 297] (This summary can be cited.) Regards, Makoto Uemura