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[vsnet-campaign 860] VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary

VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary
*** Last week news ***

(new targets)
  IX Dra		(RA = 18h12m32s.2, Dec = +67d04'41")

    R. Ishioka, the Kyoto team, reported an outburst (~15mag) of 
  IX Dra on April 13 (vsnet-campaign 851).  The light curve shows 
  clear superhumps with a period of 0.068 d.  Combined with previous 
  observations, this seem to confirm our previous suggestion as a  
  new ER UMa star (vsnet-alert 5370) or a closely related system 
  (vsnet-campaign 854).  An additional run on April 14 and 15 also shows 
  superhumps, and the combined data show 0.6697 d period 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 653, 665).

  V436 Cen		(RA = 11h13m58.2s, Dec = -37d40'45".0)

    V436 Cen, the SU UMa-type dwarf nova with a short orbital period, 
  is undergoing a relatively bright outburst as reported by R. Stubbings 
  on April 12 (11.8mag).  The last reported superoutburst of V436 Cen 
  occurred in 2000 June (vsnet-campaign 848, vsnet-campaign-dn 643).
  The outburst continues (vsnet-campaign-dn 660).

  AK Cnc		(RA = 08h55m18s.49, Dec = +11d18'06".2)

    The short period SU UMa star AK Cnc experienced an outburst at 
  13.4mag as reported by R. Stubbings on April 12 (vsnet-campaign 849, 
  vsnet-campaign-dn 644).  The outburst continues (vsnet-campaign-dn 648, 

  BV Cen		(RA = 13h31m19s.6, Dec = -54d58'34")

    BV Cen is undergoing an outburst.  The last major outburst of BV Cen 
  occurred in 2000 May (vsnet-campaign 850).  The current magnitude 
  is about 12.2mag (vsnet-campaign-dn 642).

  V383 Vel		(RA = 10h21m41s.7, Dec = -49d49'24".33")

    As reported by B. Monard on April 10, this dwarf nova experienced 
  an outburst at 14.2mag.  This star seems to have a relatively steady 
  outburst interval of ~2 months (vsnet-campaign-dn 634).  Since April 
  11, it has rapidly faded (vsnet-campaign-dn 637).

  ST Cha		(RA = 10h47m31s.3, Dec = -79d27'17")

    The cataclysmic variable ST Cha has faded to <15.0mag since April 12.  
  The object had stayed at around mag 14 since this February 
  (just like a standstill).  The object had much larger variations, 
  more or less resembling outbursts, before that time.

  GK Per		(RA = 03h31m12s.50, Dec = +43d54'17".8)

    M. Simonsen reported that the intermediate polar (and also an old nova)
  GK Per is brighter than usual (12.7mag on April 14) (vsnet-campaign-ip 47).
  P. Schmeer reported 12.8mag on April 12 (vsnet-campaign-ip 49).
  The slightly bright state continues (vsnet-campaign-ip 48, 50).

  CT Hya		(RA = 08h51m04s.50, Dec = +03d07'43".5)
    M. Simonsen reported a bright outburst of the SU UMa-type dwarf nova,
  CT Hya on April 14.  A well-observed superoutburst occurred in 2000 
  November-December.  The present epoch may be too premature for another 
  superoutburst, but the present brightness (13.9mag) is comparable 
  to those of superoutbursts.  The next observations show a rapid fading 
  or no outburst (vsnet-campaign-dn 662).

  EI UMa		(RA = 08h38m22s.1, Dec = +48d38'01")
    The NL-type cataclysmic variable EI UMa is reported active between 
  13.6 -  14.7 (vsnet-campaign-nl 11).

  omega CMa		(RA = 07h14m48s.6, Dec = -26d46'22")

    Omega CMa was reported bright (3.9mag by S. Otero; vsnet-campaign-be 98).

  RX J1155.4-5641	(RA = 11h55m27.6s, Dec = -56d41'48")

    The ROSAT-selected dwarf nova RX J1155.4-5641 is in outburst (12.5mag), 
  as reported by B. Monard.  This object shows two types of outbursts 
  (long and short), a long one occurring in 2001 January 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 657).

  DI UMa		(RA = 09h12m22s.16, Dec = +50d49'39".1)

    Recent outburst observations of DI UMa by M. Reszelski indicate
  that detectable outbursts of DI UMa comes every 24-31 days.  
  If the detected outbursts are superoutbursts, this observed interval 
  is pretty close to the 22-d value (vsnet-alert 374).  If this is confirmed,
  the system may have returned to the state originally qualified DI UMa
  as the "most extremely RZ LMi-like object", the extreme end of ER UMa
  stars (vsnet-campaign 858).

  New CVs from 2QZ survey

    The following new CVs are listed in the recently released 2QZ 
  survey.  Any outburst of these objects is a TOO target for the VSNET
  Collaboration team.

  2QZ_J010946.1-274524 010946.16 -274524.7 star(CV) B=19.86
  2QZ_J121005.3-025543 121005.30 -025543.9 star(CV) B=20.72
  2QZ_J140321.8-014651 140321.87 -014651.3 star(CV)? B=20.51
  2QZ_J142256.3-022108 142256.32 -022108.7 star(CV) B=19.54
  2QZ_J142438.9-022739 142438.94 -022739.9 star(CV) B=19.52
  2QZ_J221856.4-281618 221856.47 -281618.7 star(CV) B=20.82
  2QZ_J235703.1-314911 235703.17 -314911.3 star(CV) B=20.41

(continuous targets) 
  TU Crt		(RA = 11h03m36s.50, Dec = -21d37'45".6)

    The superoutburst continues (vsnet-campaign-dn 633, 641, 651, 654, 659). 
  R. Ishioka reported that the Kyoto team performed a time-series 
  observation on April 10 (vsnet-campaign 841).  The light curve 
  shows fully grown superhumps with an amplitude of 0.3mag 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 635).

  VV Pup		(RA = 08h15m06s.73, Dec = -19d03'16".8)

    The analysis of the Kyoto optical observation (by Ishioka-san), 
  quasi-simultaneous with the FUSE observation, shows sharp and giant 
  hump (15.24 - 17.7 mag).  This observation indicate that VV Pup 
  is in actively accreting state (vsnet-campaign 844, 845).

  V485 Cen		(RA = 12h57m23s.30, Dec = -33d12'06".8)

    T. Kato reported that the analysis of the early part of the Kyoto 
  data and M. Bos's data sent by A. Retter clearly shows the presence 
  of superhumps.  The object has shown monotonous fading during this period.  
  The average superhump period is 0.04209 d, which is slightly shorter 
  than the previous report by Olech (Acta Astrion. 47, 281) 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 636, 638, 639).  After the superoutburst terminated, 
  a possible re-brightening was reported by the Kyoto team 
  (vsnet-campaign 856).

  Delta Sco		(RA = 16h00m19s.9, Dec = -22d37'17")

    The bright state continues (vsnet-campaign-be 97, 99).

  V803 Cen		(RA = 13h23m44.5s, Dec = -41d44'30".1)

    The oscillation between 14.5 - 13.7 still continues 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 645).

  MKN 421		(RA = 11h04m27s, Dec = +38d12'32")
    12.7 - 13.1 mag were reported during the last week 
  (vsnet-campaign-blazar 178).

  3C 279		(RA = 12h56m11s.1, Dec = -05d47'20")

    The slightly bright state continues (vsnet-campaign-blazar 177).

  U Gem			(RA = 07h55m05s.55, Dec = +22d00'09".2)
    The slightly active state continues (vsnet-campaign-dn 646).

  CR Boo		(RA = 13h48m55s.42, Dec = +07d57'30".3)

    As reported by M. Simonsen, CR Boo has experienced an outburst 
  since April 14 (vsnet-campaign-dn 649).  The outburst continues  
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 656, 663).

  DW Cnc		(RA = 07h58m56s.80, Dec = +16d16'48".2)

    Some observations show the object became fainter than 14.5mag 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 650, 661).  R. Novak's data shows strong modulations 
  with a period of 0.029 d, which is the shorter one of the previously 
  reported two dominant periods (vsnet-campaign-dn 655).

  SN 2001V		(RA = 11h57m24s.93, Dec = +25d12'09".0)

    The fading continues and the current magnitude is about 16C 
  (vsnet-campaign-sn 170).

  V445 Pup		(RA = 07h37m56s.88, Dec = -25d56'59".1)
    The gradual fading continues, and the current magnitude is about 
  10.4mag (vsnet-campaign-nova 279).

  CI Aql		(RA = 18h52m03.6s, Dec = -01d28m38.9s)

    The object is gradually faded, and the current magnitude is 
  about 14.7mag (vsnet-campaign-nova 280).

*** Future schedule ***

  CR Boo and V803 Cen campaign conducted by J. Patterson

    in [vsnet-campaign-dn 640 and vsnet-campaign 852]
   "We have started a photometry campaign on the helium dwarf novae CR
    Boo and V803 Cen, designed mostly to trace the extremely rapid up-and-down
    excursions of these stars.  Right now both stars are in "cycling states",
    in which they go back and forth between about 13.4 and 14.6, with a period
    somewhere in the range 18-24 hours.  Naturally this is a really awkward
    period to study, unless you have observers spread around at various
    longitudes.  Also, the nature of this variation is still not known; it
    could be just a spectacularly short dwarf-nova recurrence period, or some
    (other) kind of disk oscillation not yet found among the more familiar   
    hydrogen-rich CVs.  For these reasons, we eagerly seek observations of
    these two fascinating helium stars over the course of our campaigns (about
    3 more weeks)."

  RZ LMi campaign conducted by J. Patterson on April 2001

    For more information, see [vsnet-campaign 718, vsnet-campaign-dn 429].

  Elizabeth and Frederick White Workshop
    AGN variability across the Electromagnetic Spectrum
      25 - 29 June 2001 Sydney, Australia

    For more information, see [vsnet-campaign-blazar 168].

  Two Years of Science with Chandra *
    * This meeting will also be the 12th Annual Maryland Astrophysics 
	September 5-7, 2001
    For more information, see [vsnet-campaign-xray 66]

*** General information ***

  IY UMa
    A. Oksanen, Nyrola team, reported a new eclipse ephemeris using 
  additional data sets on April 4 and 7,  see [vsnet-campaign 843]

  VV Pup
    Hump timing prediction, see [vsnet-campaign 846]

  DW Cnc
    R. Novak's data sets are available via Amateur Data Archvie 
					[vsnet-campaign-dn 652]

  U Gem
    eclipse ephemeris, see [vsnet-campaign-dn 664]

  CI Aql
    eclipse ephemeris, see [vsnet-campaign-nova 281]

(This summary can be cited.)

Makoto Uemura

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