VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary *** Last week news *** (new targets) RX J0558.3+6753 (RA = 05h58m18s.0, Dec = +67o53'46") As reported on April 3 by T. Kinnunen, the ROSAT-selected CV RX J0558.3+6753 experienced an outburst at 14.0mag. This observations seems to confirm the dwarf nova nature (vsnet-campaign 837). A. Oksanen reported B=15.66, V=16.03, and R=15.84 on April 5 (vsnet-campaign-dn 627). The outburst seems to be a normal one (vsnet-campaign-dn 620). TU Crt (RA = 11h03m36s.50, Dec = -21d37'45".6) P. Nelson reported that the SU UMa-type dwarf nova TU Crt is undergoing one of is relatively rare outbursts. The brightness (12.2mag) may suggest a superoutburst. The last superoutburst occurred in 1998 March, when the first-time superhumps were detected (vsnet-campaign 840). The superoutburst continues (vsnet-campaign-dn 631). VV Pup (RA = 08h15m06s.73, Dec = -19d03'16".8) The VSNET administrator team has received a request from FUSE team to ask VSNET team to observe VV Pup (polar) on April 5 and 6, in order to know the current activity state during the FUSE observation. This system has a 100 min orbital period and a large hump when the pole is in view if it is in an active state (vsnet-campaign 838). The Kyoto team performed an observation on April 5 (vsnet-campaign 839). (continuous targets) V485 Cen (RA = 12h57m23s.30, Dec = -33d12'06".8) The superoutburst continues (vsnet-campaign-dn 619). Z Cha (RA = 08h07m16s.29, Dec = -76d32'20".9) The fading from the superoutburst was reported (vsnet-campaign-dn 622, 632). V1504 Cyg (RA = 19h28m55.87s, Dec = +43d05'39".9) The superoutburst continues (vsnet-campaign-dn 626). Delta Sco (RA = 16h00m19s.9, Dec = -22d37'17") Delta Sco is still bright at about 1.8mag (vsnet-campaign-be 96). W Com (RA = 12h21m31.5s, Dec = +28d13m57.6s) The activity was still seen during the last week (vsnet-campaign-blazar 173). V4643 Sgr (RA = 17h54m40s.43, Dec = -26d14'15".7) The object is now in a gradually fading phase and the current (April 4) magnitude is reported to be about 13.8 (vsnet-campaign-nova 278). V803 Cen (RA = 13h23m44.5s, Dec = -41d44'30".1) The strong activity still continues (vsnet-campaign-dn 623). V893 Sco (RA = 16h14m45.26s, Dec = -28d39m30.3s) The outburst was faded (vsnet-campaign-dn 625). MKN 421 (RA = 11h04m27s, Dec = +38d12'32") The activity around ~12.8mag is still continues (vsnet-campaign-blazar 174). 3C 279 (RA = 12h56m11s.1, Dec = -05d47'20") The current magnitude is about R=14.8 (vsnet-campaign-blazar 176). M. Villata reported 3C 279 is sensibly rising on April 9 (vsnet-campaign-blazar 175). *** Future schedule *** RZ LMi campaign conducted by J. Patterson on April 2001 For more information, see [vsnet-campaign 718, vsnet-campaign-dn 429]. Elizabeth and Frederick White Workshop AGN variability across the Electromagnetic Spectrum 25 - 29 June 2001 Sydney, Australia For more information, see [vsnet-campaign-blazar 168]. Two Years of Science with Chandra * * This meeting will also be the 12th Annual Maryland Astrophysics Conference September 5-7, 2001 For more information, see [vsnet-campaign-xray 66] *** General information *** DW Cnc R. Novak informed he inserted runs on DW Cnc on ADA (Visual observatory at http://ada.astronomy.cz) (also SW UMa, DV UMa, VW CrB) [vsnet-campaign-dn 621, 624] Z Cha eclipse ephemeris, see [vsnet-campaign-dn 629] U Gem eclipse ephemeris, see [vsnet-campaign-dn 628] V893 Sco eclipse ephemeris, see [vsnet-campaign-dn 630] (This summary can be cited.) Regards, Makoto Uemura