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[vsnet-campaign 859] No outburst of BC UMa

No outburst of BC UMa

   No need for further (immediate) observation of BC UMa.

   The following message is [vsnet-outburst 1981]:

Dear observers :

            In nightly variable report that I send the past early
morning I introduce an typing  error, and the variable BC UMA is not,
repeat IS NOT in outburst. The magnitude that figure in this
observations  mg. 14.1 is for dwarf novae TT BOO (the next variable in
the list). The true magnitude of BC UMA is fainter than mg. (14.0

            I apologize for this error, but at these hours (3:30 am) I
was very tired after several hours of observation. I hope that Kato-san
excuse me for this wrong value that had originated several vsnet emails
(vsnet-alert, campaign, outburst, etc.).

            Again,  I hope that all observers excuse me for this wrong



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