DH Aql outburst (super?) Rod Stubbings reports that the SU UMa-type dwarf nova DH Aql is undergoing a bright outburst. The last superoutburst was observed in 1999 April (mv=12.4, Pearce). The superhump period of this object has not been well established. Because of the excellent visibility, intensive time-resolved photometry to accurately determine the superhump period is strongly encouraged. The present outburst is selected as one of priority targets of the VSNET collaboration team. Please report your progress to vsnet-campaign-dn, and data to vsnet-campaign-data. YYYYMMDD(UT) mag observer 20000718.158 <149 (G. Hanson) 20000719.985 <132 (H. McGee) 20000720.980 <132 (H. McGee) 20000725.212 <132 (M. Simonsen) 20000725.913 <132 (P. A. Dubovsky) 20000727.913 <132 (P. A. Dubovsky) 20000728.554 <150 (R. Stubbings) 20000731.466 126 (R. Stubbings) 20000731.499 126 (R. Stubbings) Regards, Taichi Kato VSNET Collaboration team