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[vsnet-campaign 405] VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary

VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary

*** Last week news ***

(new targets)
  SY Vol		(RA = 08h53m28s.9, Dec = -71d12'29".9)

    R. Stubbings reported that the suspected dwarf nova SY Vol is probably
  undergoing a bright outburst (14.2mag on July 23).  The quiescent 
  counterpart seems to be USNO0150.05620695 whose magnitude is about 22.
  The object is also has a likely ROSAT detection (vsnet-campaign 390).  
  The observations by R. Stubbings showed it was still bright on July 27 
  (vsnet-campaign 399).
    Considering the large-amplitude of the outburst, the star may be an 
  SU UMa-type dwarf nova undergoing a rare superoutburst.  Observations 
  are strongly encouraged.

  XTE J1859+226		(RA = 18h58m41s.58, Dec = +22d39'29".4)

    This X-ray nova was detected on 1999 October.  M. Garcia et al. reported 
  in IAUC 7466 that further observations of the optical counterpart to this 
  soft x-ray transient which recently underwent optical and x-ray re-flares.  
  Observations with the CTIO 0.9m telescope on July 23.1, 24.1, and 25.1
  (UT) find R = 20.8 +/- 0.3, 20.2 +/- 0.1, 19.8 +/- 0.1 
  (vsnet-campaign-xray 24).
    The activity in this phase is very interesting.

  V592 Her		(RA = 16h30m51s.60, Dec = +21d17'35".5)

    The possible outburst was reported on July 25 (vsnet-campaign 396).  
  S. O'Connor confirmed that the star was near quiescence on July 26 
  and no likely outburst (vsnet-campaign 397). 

  BR Lup		(RA = 15h35m51s.61, Dec = -40d34'25".4)

    The SU UMa-type dwarf nova BR Lup was reported to be undergoing a bright
  outburst, possibly superoutburst (13.7mag on July 27).  The last 
  superoutburst of this star was reported in 2000 March.
    Now it is in outburst.  Time-series photometry is encouraged to make 
  clear the nature of this outburst.

  V503 Cyg		(RA = 20h27m15s.61, Dec = +43d41'45".5)

    C. Bryja noticed that this SU UMa star with an orbital period of less than
  2 hours has been performing a Z Cam like standstill at V~15.7 ongoing since 
  July 20th (vsnet-campaign 402).
    The nature of this object is still unknown, and dense observations to 
  reveal the outburst or standstill behavior is encouraged.

  V1008 Her		(RA = 18h05m46s.4, Dec = +31d40'18")

    The outburst of this dwarf nova was reported by C. P. Jones on July 29 
  at 13.0mag.  Despite that this star is most likely an SS Cyg-star based 
  on the last (1999 November) observations, the good seasonal visibility 
  and bright maximum would place the present outburst as a potential 
  detailed follow-up target (vsnet-campaign 403).  Now it is in outburst.

  DH Aql		(RA = 19h26m12s.05, Dec = -10d15'21".4)

    R. Stubbings reported that the SU UMa-type dwarf nova DH Aql was 
  undergoing a bright outburst (12.6mag on July 31).  The last superoutburst 
  was observed in 1999 April (mv=12.4, Pearce).  Now it is in outburst.  
  The superhump period of this object has not been well established 
  (vsnet-campaign 404).   Time-series observations are strongly urged. 

(continuous targets)
  Delta Sco		(RA = 16h00m19s.9, Dec = -22d37'17")

    E. Pollmann posted the spectra (R = 2188, S/N = 480; with Maksutov 
  objective prism spectrograph) to [vsnet-campaign-image 2] (or 
  vsnet-campaign-be 8).  S. Otero reported that J. Fabregat (University of 
  Valencia, Spain) informed he has been receiving several spectra taken in 
  the past.  From these, the emission lines have been present, although with 
  variable strength, for at least five years.  So we're not witnessing the 
  birth of delta Sco as a Be star but its birth as a gamma Cas variable 
  (vsnet-campaign-be 9).  T. Kato forwarded the D. Dunham's report that 
  the next occultation of delta Scorpii occur on 2003 Sep. 2, and the other 
  days are listed in [vsnet-campaign-be 14].  S. Masuda (Kyoto University) 
  provided a high-dispersion spectrum of delta Sco on July 26 
  (vsnet-campaign-be 15).  The object still keeps the gradual brightening 

  V4641 Sgr		(RA = 18h19m21s.6, Dec = -25d24'25")

    No remarkable brightening was reported during the last week.

  SN 2000cx		(RA = 01h24m46s.15, Dec = +09o30'30".9)
    K. Krisciunas reported his observation and commented that it is curious 
  that the B-V color has stayed so constant (vsnet-alert 5156, 
  vsnet-campaign-sn 28).  The object is brighter than expected magnitude 
  of typical SNeIa, and seems to reach a peak around July 26 
  (vsnet-campaign-sn 30).
    Close monitorings are encouraged.

  V792 Cyg		(RA = 19h31m00s.50, Dec = +33d47'11".8)

    This dwarf nova which was reported to be in a bright outburst 
  faded like SS Cyg-type (vsnet-campaign-dn 62).  Now it is at 

  1H 1933+510		(RA = 19h34m36s.08, Dec = +51d07'42".2)

    The report from S. O'Connor that this brightening nova-like variable 
  was at 15.8mag on July 24 was apparently confirmed the outburst 
  (vsnet-campaign 392).  C. Bryja reported that the object is North 4.3 arcsec 
  and West 12.0 arcsec from a bright comparison star, GSC 3568-115 and 
  the result of the absolute photometry of this comparison star 
  (vsnet-campaign 393, 394).  A rather hasty fade was reported on July 25 
  by S. O'Connor (16.5mag) (vsnet-campaign 395).  C. Bryja provided 
  the photometry of the GSC stars in the CCD field (vsnet-campaign 398).
    The current magnitude indicates the object is near its low-state.

  V2051 Oph		(RA = 17h08m19s.1, Dec = -25d48'31".1)

    The fading trend from the outburst was reported on July 24.  
  The normal outburst was ended (vsnet-campaign-dn 61).

  TT Ind		(RA = 20h33m39s.79, Dec = -56d33'43".8)
    Further brightening of this dwarf nova in a rare outburst had been 
  observed on 24 July (vsnet-campaign 391).  It started fading on July 28 
  (13.2mag), suggesting a possible long outburst of an SS Cyg star 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 70).  

  V844 Her		(RA = 16h25m01s.69, Dec = +39d09'25".9)

    The fading from the superoutburst started, and then, the object was 
  experiencing a stage of slight brightening before the termination of 
  the superoutburst (July 26 - 29) (vsnet-campaign-dn 73).
    Observations at this stage is important since superhumps tend to show a 
  regrowth (see Baba et al. 2000, V1028 Cyg).

  CI Aql                (RA = 18h52m03s.6, Dec = -01d28m38.9s)
    This nova keeps the fading trend.  A possible rapid decline was 
  noticed (vsnet-campaign-nova 70).  More time-series observations, 
  particularly including eclipses, are strongly encouraged.

  V803 Cen              (RA = 13h23m44s.5, Dec = -41d44'30".1)

    Striking oscillations have been observed, however, fainter trend 
  can be seen in the recent data (vsnet-campaign-dn 59, 64, 68).

  BL Lac                (RA = 22h02m42s.86, Dec = +42d16'37.6")

    During the last week, a gradual brightening was observed 
  (vsnet-campaign-blazer 46).

  XTE J1118+480         (RA = 11h18m10s.9, Dec = +48d02'12".9)

    M. Uemura reported the preliminary results of the data obtained during 
  JD 2451740 - 2451750 at Kyoto.  This X-ray nova keeps the relatively 
  rapid decline (0.044 mag/d).  From around JD 2451730, the multiple peaks 
  appeared in light curves, and we confirmed it is a real feature through 
  the light curve during JD 2451740 - 2451750 (vsnet-campaign-xray 25).
  Recent visual observations by M. Verdenet on July 26 (13.7mag) also seem 
  to confirm the trend (vsnet-campaign-xray 26).

(outburst predictions)
  HT Cas		(RA = 01h10m07s.74, Dec = +60d04'03".6)
    As predicted by T. Watanabe that the next outburst of HT Cas occurs
  either between 2000 Aug 3 and 17 or between November 8 and 22, it may 
  erupt in immediate future.  If it erupts, the object will be the highest 
  priority target for the VSNET collaboration team (vsnet-campaign 401).

*** Future schedule ***
  V382 Vel, V1494 Aql, Nova in LMC 2000 campaign 
    (August 7)          (August 21)

    S. Starrfield and his collaborators will be obtaining CHANDRA 
  observations of V382 Vel and V1494 Aql the week beginning August 7, 2000
  and they will be obtaining HST/STIS observations of Nova LMC 2000 the 
  week of August 21, 2000. Ground based observations are encouraged.
  Observers those who are interested in this campaign, should contact
  with Dr. Starrfield (sumner.starrfield@asu.edu).
						[vsnet-campaign-nova 71]

  BL Lac campaign  (July 17 - August 11)

    Massimo Villata, Gino Tosti, and Enrico Massaro organize an 
  optical campaign on BL Lac contemporaneous with the high-energy 
  campaign involving X-ray and TeV observatories such as BeppoSAX, 
  RXTE, STACEE, CAT, HEGRA.  Their goal is high-density and 
  high-precision coverage, possibly in two optical bands (B and R).
  Observers interested in participating to this optical campaign are
  invited to contact with M. Villata (villata@to.astro.it).
                                                [vsnet-campaign 204]

  NY Ser spectroscopic observations at the Calar Alto Observatory
                (July 08/09 and 09/10)
    D. Nogami noticed their schedule of spectroscopic observations of 
  NY Ser and wrote: "Because it is quite important for us to know the 
  state of NY Ser at our observations as accurately as possible, we would 
  ask observers to make a close monitor of this star for ~1 month from 
  now (this article was posted on June 29)."
    For more information, please see [vsnet-campaign 265], or contact 
  with D. Nogami (daisaku@uni-sw.gwdg.de).
                                                [vsnet-campaign 265]

  V446 Her campaign (throughout this summer)

    Boris T. Gaensicke organize a campaign on the post nova V446 Her (V~18). 
  Their aim is to obtain a *good* contiguous light curve of V446 Her that
  covers 2-3 dwarf nova-like outbursts of the system, in order to compare 
  its outburst characteristics to those of ``normal'' dwarf novae. 
  They invite those of you equipped with a CCD camera to obtain a couple 
  of images of V446 Her per night throughout the next three months, say, 
  until the end of September.
    For more information, please see [vsnet-campaign 325] or contact 
  with Boris T. Gaensicke (boris@uni-sw.gwdg.de).
    In [vsnet-campaign 368].....    
  "The V446 Her campaign from July 7 was started (through the end of 
   September).  But we have received very few observations since then.
   Negative observations, for instance, <17.0, are also useful.
   We strongly encourage observers to contribute to this project.
   Let's clarify the physics of post novae!"

*** General information ***
  SN 2000cx
    preliminary SN 2000cx field star photometry (provided by K. Krisciunas).
	and [vsnet-campaign-sn 25]

  Delta Sco
    Spectra (From E. Pollmann), see [vsnet-campaign-image 2]
    High-dispersion spectra (From Izumiura and Masuda);
	[delta Sco]

	[tau Sco, for comparison (B0V star)]

  1H 1933+510
    Photometry of field stars provided from C. Bryja, see [vsnet-campaign 398]
  XTE J1118+480
    New light curves can be seen at:
						[vsnet-campaign-xray 25]

  HT Cas
    eclipse ephemeris, see [vsnet-campaign-dn 72]

(This summary is reproduction free.)

Makoto Uemura

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