V1008 Her outburst First outburst since the 1999 November one. Despite that this star is most likely an SS Cyg-star based on the 1999 November observations, the good seasonal visibility and bright maximum would place the present outburst as a potential detailed follow-up target. If anyone can take time-resolved photometry, please report to this or vsnet-campaign-dn list. YYYYMMDD(UT) mag observer 20000720.919 <142 (E. Muyllaert) 20000720.928 <152 (C. P. Jones) 20000720.976 <155 (G. Poyner) 20000721.947 <155 (G. Poyner) 20000722.633 <131 (H. Maehara) 20000725.183 <149 (M. Simonsen) 20000726.898 <142 (E. Muyllaert) 20000729.931 130 (C. P. Jones) 20000729.983 135 (E. Muyllaert) Regards, Taichi Kato VSNET Collaboration team