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[vsnet-campaign 367] DM Lyr likely superoutburst: need for more observation

DM Lyr likely superoutburst: need for more observation

  Again a copy of the post to vsnet-alert.  Since the object has not been
seen in superoutburst in the past few years, the present (super?) outburst
needs to be attended.  However, the object would be the second priority until
the nature of AW Sge becomes certain.

  The last likely superoutburst occurred in 1997 November-December.
The 1996 July outburst led to the identification as a new member of
SU UMa stars.  More observations to precisely determine the superhumo
period are encouraged.



  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20000705.237  <154  (G. Hanson)
  20000706.194  <154  (G. Hanson)
  20000707.196  <160  (G. Hanson)
  20000707.217  <130  (M. Simonsen)
  20000709.424  <154  (G. Hanson)
  20000710.283  <130  (M. Simonsen)
  20000710.958  <154  (G. Poyner)
  20000711.247  <130  (M. Simonsen)
  20000711.976   143  (G. Poyner)
  20000712.194   145: (M. Simonsen)

Taichi Kato
VSNET Collaboration team

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