Re: GT Ori variability type Tsutomu Watanabe-san (VSOLJ) obtained extensive observations during the last (nearly a) decade. The light curve is consistent with a "fader"-type YSO, but would be also consistent with an SRD star with sharp minima. [GT Ori identifications] GSC115.1021 054329.22 +000458.3 (2000.0) 11.48 0 GSC115.1021 054329.24 +000458.9 (2000.0) 11.33 1 GSC115.1021 054329.29 +000459.3 (2000.0) 11.13 1 IRAS05409+0003 054054.7 +000342 (1950.0) F12=0.83 F25=1.00 F60=0.48L F100=43.64L VAR=88 LRS=-1 possibly IIIa: variable star with more evolved O-rich c.s. shell or VIb: variable star with relatively hot dust close to the star and relatively cold dust at large distance may be O-rich 054328.4 +000459 (2000.0) IRAS05409+0003 0.869 1.017 0.486L 43.810L 88% 054328.4 +000459 (2000.0) SSC05409+0003 0.869 1.017 0.486L 43.810L 054330.0 +000500 (2000.0) FSC05409+0003 0.853 0.978 1.725L 7.583L 054329.1 +000458 (2000.0) 1102 0.57 TYC2-115.1021.1 (11.08 0.09) (11.75 0.10) 054329.7 +000459 (2000.0) ORIGT SRD 11.1 12.9 P - 86 - F0 We must note that V351 Ori, a well-known "fader" is located close to GT Ori. V351 Ori looks more dusty (with a strong far-IR excess), but the degree of IR-excess in GT Ori looks smaller. GSC115.723 054418.70 +000839.7 (2000.0) 9.02 0 GSC115.723 054418.77 +000839.3 (2000.0) 8.80 1 N GSC115.723 054418.82 +000840.4 (2000.0) 8.80 1 N IRAS05417+0007 054145.1 +000729 (1950.0) F12=1.20 F25=3.98 F60=25.11 F100=20.89 VAR=11 LRS=-1 VIII: different sort of object 054418.3 +000841 (2000.0) BD+00.1170 9.2 054418.8 +000838 (2000.0) V=8.928(-) b-y=0.236(-) m1=0.170(-) c1=1.003(-) beta=2.805(-) 054418.8 +000838 (2000.0) UBV_V351Ori 8.87 0.35 0.22 - - - A7III N=1 Nm=1 - 054418.9 +000843 (2000.0) IRAS05417+0007 1.165 4.113 25.860 21.090 11% 054418.9 +000843 (2000.0) SSC05417+0007 1.165 4.113 25.860 21.090 054419.4 +000841 (2000.0) FSC05417+0007 1.189 4.090 24.830 20.680 054418.7 +000840 (2000.0) 889HV2 0.38 HIP027059 plx=3.51(1.59) (0.02 0.03) U 8.91-9.05 054418.7 +000840 (2000.0) 890V 054418.7 +000839 (2000.0) 891 0.33 TYC2-115.723.1 (8.95 0.02) (9.33 0.02) 054418.8 +000838 (2000.0) ORIV351 INSA 8.3 11.6 P - - - A7III 054419.6 +000939 (2000.0) HD38238 9.3 9.4 A2
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