Recently I have noticed some discrepant observations of this UG type which prompted me to investigate it more deeply. I have been using the AAVSO 'e' 1995 chart, but now notice some inconsistensies: 1. The GCVS position (J2000 15 50 59.4 +71 46 30) is about 2 arcmin NW of the position given by Aladin (15 51 22.06 +71 45 09.8). There is no star there. The position printed (J2000) on the AAVSO e chart is about the same as the Aladin position within the rounding error. The GSC2.2 star associated with the Aladin position is 11311333251 (Its magnitudes are 16.57blue/16.25red) But the postion indicated on the AAVSO chart appears too near to the 158 comp, it should be closer to the midpoint between 158 and 125, if in fact the Aladin one is the correct star? 2. There are 2 other objects closer to the position shown on the AAVSO e chart. A=11311333277 (17.82blue/16.68red) and B=11311333271 (19.10blue/16.31red). Could one of these really be SS UMI? 3. The AAVSO e chart significantly omits the star GSC2.2 11311333381, about 1 arcmin NE of 158, which actually appears visually brighter than the 158. Despite the fact their GSC2.2 magnitudes are (15.96blue/15.21red) compared to (15.73blue/14.77red) for the 158 comp. Any possibility one of these 2 is a variable? Mike Linnolt
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