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[vsnet-chat 6594] (fwd) Black Hole

(fwd) Black Hole

Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2003 07:43:22 -0700 (MST)
From: Barbara Bardram <barb@physics.arizona.edu>
Subject: Black Hole

As you may be aware, Princeton University Press has just
published Fulvio Melia's book "The Black Hole at the Center
of Our Galaxy."  If you would like to learn more about this 
publication, please visit the website

An independent review by Publishers Weekly is reprinted at 
www.amazon.com, and a second review (by CSM) may be found at


If interested in acquiring a copy, you may find it helpful to 
order it from www.amazon.com, which offers a significant 
discount on this title. 

Thank you, and have a great summer of reading! 

Barbara Bardram

    | Barbara Bardram                   |
    | Theoretical Astrophysics Program  |
    | The University of Arizona         |

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