On Tue, 18 Feb 2003, Brian Skiff wrote: > Although there are probably a lot of such unobserved late-M type variables > two deal with it strictly as an IRAS source (among a long list). Where > was the star observed to be variable? When? On what plate material or > visual or photoelectric observations? OK, you can dig down in the GCVS Since it appears to me to be around mag 13 and the last observation puts it around 10.2, its already far beyond its quoted range of 11.0-11.9, but it has no chart of its own and no nearby comp stars, so we may be getting a problem based on this comp issue again? Would someone be able to do a little photometry around it? Some Tycho stars I see nearby which would be good to nail down are: 6547-2061-1 V=10.522 B-V=+1.16 (maybe too red, but right next to it) 6547-2181-1 V=11.311 B-V=+.314 6547-1684-1 V=10.432 B-V=+.170 6547-1736-1 V=9.704 B-V=+.075 6547-2260-1 V=12.040 B-V=+.157 6547-2045-1 V=12.573 B-V=+.023 Also, something below 13 needs to be selected and measured, since the star does seem to be that faint now. Thanks for any assistance! Mike Linnolt (LMK)
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