Dear Colleagues, last night (30 aug.) I have observed the variable star that I have recently discovered. Working with my telescope and CCD camera, I have taken some images and the star is about 1.2 mag. brighter than in my previous 9 july pictures. I have not used any filter, because I am waiting for them, but, considering that my previous images were taken in the same instrumental conditions, this difference in magnitude is real. Confronting the last pictures with the ones taken at the end of 1996, it seems that the brightness of the star is roughly the same. You can see the new images at my web site: Best Regards, Gianluca Masi -- *********************************************************************** * Gianluca Masi "Two things fill the soul * * Via Madonna de Loco, 47 with awe and reverence [...]: * * 03023 Ceccano (FR) the starry sky above me and * * ITALY the moral law within me" * * email: * * I. Kant * ***********************************************************************