Gianluca Masi's variable star is in the USNO A1.0 catalogue at position: 19 59 41.9 +22 33 50 (2000). The magnitudes reported from the POSS-I plates are mb = 17.2, mr = 13.7. The nominal blue minus red color index of 3.5 suggests the star is a red semiregular or Mira-type variable. The variations probably have a timescale of some months. Observations at about one-week intervals through the observing season will be sufficient to characterize the variability. Try to use a photometric filter in the observations if you can (such as Cousins R). By the way, the star is not in the IRAS catalogue or the GCVS4/NSV. Gianluca's images on his Web page have south up and west to the left. \Brian