VARIABLE STARS International conference dedicated to the 90-th Anniversary of birthday of Vladimir Platonovich TSESSEVICH Odessa, Ukraine, 1-5.09.1997 Address: Astronomical Observatory, Odessa State University, T.G.Shevchenko Park, Odessa 270014 Ukraine Tel.038+0482+ 220 396/Fax 038+0482+ 228 442, e-mail: The conference is organized with partial support by the Odessa Astronomical Society Eurasian Astronomical Society (Moscow), Ukrainian Astronomical Association, City Council of Odessa, Odessa region administration, the company "Odessagas" and the Odessa department of International Foundation "Vidrodzhennya" (Renaissance) PROGRAMME August 31, 1997. Day of arrival September 1. 10:00. Large Physical Classroom of the Odessa State Univerity Opening of the conference *Smyntyna V.A. Opening address of the Rector of the Odessa State Univerity *Karetnikov V.G. The track of V.P.Tsessevich in science *Memorial session dedicated to V.P.Tsessevich (1907-1983) 13:00 Odessa House of scientists. Press-conference 15:00-18:00 Student hostel "Chernomorka" Chairman V.G.Karetnikov *Smirnov V.A. Meteor study of Prof. V.P.Tsessevich and its evolution in the works of his astronomical school *Kuzmenko G.I. V.P.Tsessevich and geophysical research *Muhamednazarov S. Particiapation of the Odessa astronomers and personally V.P.Tsessevich in the development of meteor astronomy in Turkmenistan *Meleev Kh. Reduction of the observations of optical meteors made by V.P.Tsessevich *Fashchevskij N.N. V.P.Tsessevich and development of the astronomical optics in Odessa *Ivanov V.N. Design and creation of the systems for telescope operation in Odessa *Paulin L.S. Design and creation of the telescopes in Odessa *Komarov N.S. Electrospectrometers of the Odessa Observatory *Dorokhov N.I. Calibration system of the two-channel photometer *Shakhrukhanov O.Sh. CCD camera for guiding *Bondarenko Yu.N. Vacuum light sources for astrophysical devices *Sergeeva T.P., Sergeev A.V. Ten years of the AIK PARSEK. Results and perspectives Tuesday, September 2 9:30-10:40. Chairman K.I.Churyumov *Gershberg R.E. Flares of the red dwarf stars: news from the Crimea (r) *Pugach A.F. Morphological pecularities of the anti-flare stars (r) *Keskin V. Cooperative Study on the Long Term Behaviour of of the RS CVn type Binary UV Psc. *Berczik P.P. Dynamics of galaxies (r) 11:00-12:15 *Shakhovskoy N.M. Polarimetric observations of eruptive object (r) *Somova T.A., Somov N.N., Bonnet-Bidaud J.M., Mouchet M. Time-resolved spectroscopy and photometry of the peculiar polar BY Cam (=H0538+608) *Somov N.N., Somova T.A., Naidenov I.D. Detection of linear polarization of the monochromatic oscillations in the intermediate polar RE0751+14 *Andronov I.L. "Red noise" in accreting binary systems (r) *Shakhovskoy N.M., Kolesnikov S.V., Andronov I.L. Magnetic cataclysmic variable AM Her: variability from seconds to years 15:00-16:10. Chairman A.F.Pugach *Silich S.A. Exploding galaxies (r) *Karetnikov V.G. Angular momentum variations in eclipsing binary stars of different types (r) *Glazunova L.V. Is the asynchronism of the Algol-like binary systems real? *Nazarenko V.V., Glazunova L.V. One-dimensional model of the interaction of the gas stream with the atmosphere of the primary component of the binary system *Vitrichenko E.A., Klochkova V.G. Spectroscopic study of V1016 Ori *Bondarenko I.I., Perevozkina E.L. Period variation and evolution of contact binary stars of early spectral classes 16:30-17:58 *Zakhozhaj V.A. Expected mass spectra of the stars and substars in clusters and galactic field *Zakhozhaj V.A., Pisarenko A.I., Yatsenko A.A., Sliusarenko Yu.V. Models of low-mass zero-age substars of the galactic halo *Zakhozhaj V.A., Shaparenko E.F. Frequency of occurence of the nearby stars of different age *Bondar' N.I., Vitrichenko E.A., Zakirov M.M. Photometric study of V1016 Ori *Churyumov K.I., Kleshchonok V.V., Vlassyuk V.V. Spectral observations of the head of comet Hale-Bopp (c/1995 o1) with 6-m BTA reflector *Churyumov K.I., Kleshchonok V.V., Mussayev F.A. Observations of high resolution spectra of comet Hale-Bopp at the SAO of the RAS Wednesday, September 3 9:30-10:40. Chairman V.G.Klochkova *Panchuk V.E. Molecular features in the optical soectra of PPN candidates *Komarov N.S., Dorokhov N.I., Dorokhova T.N. TiO in the atmospheres of cool stars *Usenko I.A., Kovtiukh V.V., Andrievsky S.M. Chemical composition of cepheids in open clusters and the P - L relationship *Pavlenko Ya.P., Yakovina L.V. Determination of the nitrogen abundance by using the NH spectra *Tsymbal V.V., Kochukhov O., Lambert D., Khokhlova V.L. Chemical composition of the components of 46 Dra 11:00-12:30 *Yankiv-Vitkovska L.M. Study of the decay constant of the spectral lines of atoms in the stellar atmospheres *Komarov N.S., Korotina L.V., Shevchuk T.V. G, K, M-giants in the solar neighbourhood *Komarov N.S., Basak N.Yu., Gorbaneva T.I., Kantsen L.E. Chemical composition of the K-giants *Komarov N.S., Basak N.Yu., Gorbaneva T.I. Problem of determination of the abundance of heavy elements in the atmospheres of K-giants Thursday, September 4 9:30-10:40. Chairman V.E.Panchuk *Klochkova V.G. Nature of the supergiants with IR excesses *Mishenina T.V. CN-strong CN-weak giants of the disk *Klochkova V.G., Mishenina T.V. Study of two giant stars in the globular cluster M13 *Tarasov A.E., Pan'ko E.A. Variability of the H alpha emission of EM Cep *Yushchenko A.V., Gopka V.F., Bikmaev I.F., Musaev F.A., Khokhlova V.L. Study of the physical parameters of 66 Eridani = EN Eri *Gopka V.F., Yushchenko A.V. Detailed analysis of the heavy elements in Arcturus - the halo star 11:00-12:10 *Cecil G. Davis. Radiative Transfer Effects on the Colors of RR Lyrae stars ( *Udovichenko S.N., Konchagina E.I. Hydrogen lines in the envelopes of Be stars *Mkrtichian D.E., Yurkov A.Yu. Radial velocities of Beta Leo *Komarov N.S., Dragunova A.V., Belik S.I. Mean energy distributions in the stellar spectra *Komarov N.S., Dragunova A.V., Belik S.I. Synthetic spectra of cold stars 15:00-16:10 Chairman Gershberg *Verozub L.V., Kochetov A.E. Gravitational radiation of the compact binary systems *Verozub L.V., Bannikova E.Yu. On the ionizastion zone around supermassive objects without the event horizon *Verozub L.V. Is there an alternative to blach holes? *Zhukova A.F. Time is the cramped binary magnetic reason. *Andronov I.L. Algorithms and programs for study of (multi)periodic and aperiodic processes. Fractal analysis and dynamic spectra of astronomical signals (r) 16:30-17:58 *Shakhovskoy N.M., Halevin A.V., Kolesnikov S.V., Andronov I.L. Reduction of the polarimetric observations of variable stars: Algorithm, programme, problems *Sirotkin F. On the influence of the deformation of the star filling its Roche lobe onto the orbital variability of spectral lines *Andronov I.L. 'Observation Obscurer' - viewer and editor of the time series *Halevin A.V. 'Plotviewer': the program for interactive data analysis *Shapovalova L. Programme for data visualization and approximation *Halevin A.V. Photographic observations of the eclipsing binary EX Vul *Antoniuk K.A. Photographic observations of binary stars Friday, September 5 9:30-10:40. Chairman Shakhovskoy *Romanov Yu.S., Fenina Z.N., Vasilieva S.V. Procyon as a comparison star for pulsating stars *Romanov Yu.S., Fenina Z.N., Zgoniajko N.S. Pecularities of the absorption lines of the neutral ferrum in the brightness minimum of RR Lyrae *Dorokhova T.N., Dorokhov N.I. Observations of the roAp stars at the Mountain Dushak-Erekdag *Bezdenezhnyi V.P. Multiperiodicity in the RR Lyr-type stars *Bezdenezhnyi V.P. Frequency analysis of the light curves of the Delta Scuti-type variables *Bezdenezhnyi V.P. On the periods of classical cepheids *Bezdenezhnyi V.P. Three bimodal cepheids 11:00-12:15 *Kudashkina L.S. Mira-type stars and related objects (r) *Kudashkina L.S. et al. Dtudy of 4 semiregular variable stars *Marsakova V.I. Catalogue of characteristics of individual pulsational cycles of the Mira-type stars *Goranskij V.P. Photometry of pulsating stars *Yudin B.V. Photometry of symbiotic stars *Blagodyr Ja.T., Halych D.I., Kaserkevich V.S., Shpychka I.V. Astroclimate results obtained while observing Cyg X-1 photometrically in 1982-1993 *Andronov I.L. Modulation of the light curve of the semiregular variable AC Her 15:00-16:10. Chairman S.A.Silich *Braude S.Ya., Galanin V.V., Iniutin G.A., Litvinenko O.A., Men' A.V., Rashkovskij S.L., Shepelev V.A. Radiointerferometric study at the radiotelescope Uran-4 *Ryabov M.I., Pisarenko Ja.V., Serokurova N.G. Programme for monitoring of the variability of galactic and extragalactic sources at the radiotelescope Uran-4 *Bochkarev N.G., Ryabov M.I. Using the data on the variability of the extragalactic sources for the study of structure of the ionized component of the interstellar matter. *Kravets R.O., Kozhukhar' V.B., Litvinenko O.A., Panishko S.K. Application of data on the flickering of the cosmic radio sources for study and the structure and dynamics of the atmospheric inhomogeneties *Kravets R.O., Panishko S.K. System for registration of the fast fluctuations of the flux density of cosmic radio sources at the radiotelescope Uran-4 *Litvinenko O.A. On the mechanism of transportation of gaseous and aerosole radio nuclides from the surface of the planets into the upper atmospheric layers 16:30-17:58. Chairman Ya.M.Motrunich *Korobko A.A., Dobrovolskij A.V., Shumilov Yu.P., Paltsev N.G., Chaichuk R.A., Strakhova S.L. Analysis of the low-amplitude structure of the light curves of cosmic objects *Sheptun A.D., Dobrovolskij A.V., Paltsev N.G., Chaichuk R.A., Medvedev Yu.A., Petrov M.P., Strakhova S.L., Naumenko T.N., Kornijchuk L.V., Korobejnikova E.A. Positional and photometric observations of cosmic apparates similar to the objects suggested for launch according to the programme "Global Star" *Kolesnik S.Ya., Paltsev N.G. Programme for computation of the ephemerides of the artificial satellites *Kolesnik S.Ya., Paltsev N.G. Programme for computation of the artificial satellites by using the measurements from the net of astronomical stations *Medvedev Yu.A., Dobrovolskij A.V., Chaichuk R.A., Paltsev N.G. Laser-photometric complex of observations of the artificial satellites at the observational station Kryzhanovka of the Research institute Astronomical Observatory of the Odessa State University *Medvedev Yu.A., Fashchevskij N.N., Chaichuk R.A., Paulin L.S. 80-cm universal azimuthal telescope for the observations of the artificial satellites Closing the conference POSTER CONTRIBUTIONS (including some preliminary applications): *Alekseev I.Yu., Gershberg R.E. Periodicity in activity of low-mass flaring red dwarf EV Lac. *Andronov I.L. Method of running parabolae: spectral and statistical properties of the smoothing function *Andronov I.L., Chinarova L.L. On the statistical properties of the test-functions for the non-parametric methods of periodogram analysis *Andronov I.L., Marsakova V.I. Phase curve changes and humps in a Mira-type star U Her *Bondarenko I.I. Contact binary stars of early spectral classes *Bono G. Cepheids pulsation properties: dependence on metal content *Bychkov V.D. Spectral observations of magnetic pulsating variables *Chinarova L.L. Orbital period of the eclipsing binary V 1147 Cygni *Chochol D. Photometry and spectroscopy of Nova Cas 1995 *Djurashevich G.R. Estimation of the dwarf novae parameters based on the light-curve analysis *Djurashevich G.R. Study of the activity of the eclipsing binary AB And by the inverse-problem method. *Dorokhova T.N. Collecting the observations of VW Ari obtained during the international campaign in 1993 yr. *Fomin P.I. On the nature of the quasar activity and mechanisms of their variability *Gershberg R.E., Shakhovskoy D.N. New spectral features in optical spectra of EV Lac during its active state. *Halevin A.V., Andronov I.L. Photometric classification of poorly known variables S 8348 = NSV 12742, S 8351 = HT Vul and S 8352 = NSV 12763 *Keskin V. The first observation at the Tuebitak Turkish National Observatory *Klochkova V.G., Mishenina T.V., Panchuk V.E. Preliminary study of the chemical composition of the object IRAS 09276+4454 *Kolesnikov S.V. CCD observations of MV Lyr *Komarov N.S., Arkhipov M.G., Belik S.I., Depenchuk E.A., Dragunova A.V., Zakozhurnikova N.N., Kantsen L.E., Orlova L.F., Pereverzentsev A.F., Cherkass A.G., Chuprina R.I. Energy distribution in the spectra of stars in the wavelength range 320-750nm *Kondrashin V.V. Photoelectric observations of the occultation by the Moon of the binary stars in Vologda. *Lopez de Coca P. Determination of periods of the Delta Scuti 29 Cyg *Lopez de Coca P. Stromgren photometry of the evolved Delta Scuti star 21 Vul *Marsakova V.I. Photographic observations of the eclipsing binary AL Oph *Mennickent R. Emissivity laws in accretion disks of SU UMa stars *Niarchos P.G., Duerbeck H.W. On the mass-ratio of the eclipsing binaries of W UMa type *Pavlenko E.P. Photometric observations of MV Lyr in 1997 *Perevozkina E.L. Evolutionary relation between the classes of close binary systems *Petrik K. CCD observations of Cataclysmic Variables *Pishenin V.V., Andronov I.L. Photographic study of 8 poorly known binary stars *Pustylnik I.B. On the Short-Time Evolutionary History of Contact Binary VW Cephei *Pustylnik I.B., Pustynski V. Models of Anisotropic Evaporative Wind in Precataclysmic Binary Systems and Their Observational Verification *Solonenko V.I., Mel'nik N.V. Photographic observations of the Heyle-Bopp comet in Vinnitsa *Tomanov V.P. Photoelectric observations of the occultation by the Moon of the binary stars *Vanmunster T. Backyard research on Cataclysmic Variables by a Consortium of Professional and Amateur Astronomers. *Vanmunster T. Detection of Superhumps in the Dwarf Nova PV Persei *Vitrichenko E.A., Larionov V.M. Continuum of V 1016 Ori *Zeki A. Short Term Variability in Carbon Stars