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[vsnet-alert 2023] (fwd) On NGC 7013 SN suspect (Hanzl)

From hanzl@sci.muni.cz Mon Aug 10 19:00 JST 1998
From: Dalibor Hanzl <hanzl@sci.muni.cz>
Message-ID: <20002023@hoge.baba.hajime.jp>
Subject: Possible supernova in NGC 7013
To: tkato@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 11:32:08 +0200 (MET DST)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL23]
Content-Type: text
Content-Length: 1703

Dear Dr. Kato,

    My CCD images show star at position alpha = 21h 03m 33s.7, 
delta = +29d 54' 9".4 which is 2" east and 18" north of the nucleus of
NGC 7013. CCD photometry: V = 15.23 +/- 0.05. This is not a new star.
Star is at Quick-V Northern Syrvey plate at same position.

                                                 sincerelly  D. Hanzl         

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

From:	"Jerry Mulchin", INTERNET:jmulchin@astroguy.com
TO:	(unknown), [76620,1721]
CC:	(unknown), INTERNET:Brad@ccdimaging.com
DATE:	8/6/98 2:16 AM

RE:	possible supernova in ngc 7013


While processing an image of ngc 7103 taken on Aug 1st at 1:36:45 AM loca=
California time, I believe I may have found a supernova.

Details of NGC 7013 in Cygnus:
RA =3D 21:03.6
DEC =3D +29:54
Mag 11.3
Size 4.8 x 1.4 arc min
I have a 20 minute exposure taken with a ST-8 and AO-7 adaptive =

optics on a Meade LX200 10" at F/6.3

Suspect supernova:

Mag: ~14
size: ??
located: Seperation =3D 18.82 Arc Secs,Position Angle =3D 186.70 =

degrees from the core. (Note: This is is only method Mr. Mulchin =

had to determine the suspect offset).

I have no way at the time to verify with a second image
(fogged in).

I have checked the POSS plates and find nothing there.
I also found an image or NGC 7013 from Enrico Prosperi taken =

08/31/97 with a HI-SIS22 camera and the supernova is not there.

How do I get confirmation on this? What is the next step?


Jerry Mulchin
Programmer, Amateur Astronomer
e-mail (home) - jmulchin@astroguy.com
e-mail (work) - jmulchin@cisco.com
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