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[vsnet-alert 2022] Observational Astrophysics at Gumma Astronomical Observatory, 1st announcement

Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 11:39:41 +0900
From: For Gunma workshops <gaows@astron.pref.gunma.jp>
Message-ID: <20002022@hoge.baba.hajime.jp>
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Subject: [vsnet 0] (No Subject in original)
Errors-To: owner-vsnet@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sender: owner-vsnet@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp

                       1ST ANNOUNCEMENT


       A workshop to explore the potential of astrophysical  
       observations with small- to medium-size telescopes 
                at Gunma Astronomical Observatory 

                A Workshop organized by Gunma Astronomical Observatory  
                Maebashi, 26 (Mon) - 27 (Tue) October 1998 

  We are organizing a workshop to bring together people interested in 
  discussing the impact on imaging and spectroscopic astronomy of 
  new optical and infrared instrumentations attached to the   
  telescopes soon to be available at Gunma Astronomical Observatory.  

             The Workshop will be held at Shichoson-kaikan, Maebashi 


S.Awashima, T.Hamane, T.Hasegawa, O.Hashimoto, H.Kawakita, K.Kinugasa, 
Y.Kozai, Y.Kubota, T.Kurata, A.Nakamichi, H.L.Malasan, K.Ohshima, 
M. Shimizu, A. Shimoda, H. Taguchi, T. Tosaki 


A number of new instruments for small- to moderate-size telescopes will 
be available at Gunma Astronomical Observatory: Echelle spectrograph,  
optical CCD and near-infra red cameras, are underplan for the 1.5 meter  
multifoci telescope. The 0.6 meter Cassegrainian reflector will be equipped  
with low- to intermediate-dispersion spectrograph, CCD camera and    
photoelectric photometer. Several CCD-equipped-small-telescopes 
(diameters of 25-30 cm) with remote controlled access will be fully 
operated by mid-April 1999. 

This workshop will address a wide range of scientific topics relevant 
to imaging and spectrospic studies with these small to intermediate size 
multifoci or single focus telescopes.  


The goal of the workshop is to promote research with small to intermediate 
size telescopes at Gunma Astronomical Observatory by bringing researchers  
in the field for a cross-fertilization of ideas. Astrophysical use of  
imaging and spectroscopy will be emphasized. Scientific justification of
observing program and/or it's importance in each research field 
will be discussed. Prospective results of astrophysical studies will be  
interpreted in the widest possible sense. 

1. Instrumentations, managements and network for small- and medium-size 
2. Astrophysical observing programs relevant to imaging and spectroscopy 
3. Possible outlook for a wide scale coordinated activities. 


The workshop will be opened to all persons who are interested in 
astrophysical studies with small- to medium-size telescopes. We 
encourage amateur astronomers, students, science educators and  
interested persons to attend this workshop.  

Scientific matters:

T. Hasegawa, O. Hashimoto, H.L. Malasan 
Gunma Astronomical Observatry 
1-18-7 Ohtomo-machi, Maebashi-shi, Gunma 371 
Phone. 027-254-2882, Fax. 027-254-2883
E-mail. gaows@astron.pref.gunma.jp

A. Okazaki 
Department of Science Education, Gunma University  
Aramaki, Maebashi, Gunma 371 
Phone/Fax. 027-220-7292 
E-mail. okazaki@edu.gunma-u.ac.jp 

K. Yoshioka 
Gunma Study Center, The University of The Air 
1-13-2, Wakamiya-cho, Maebashi, Gunma 371 
Phone. 027-230-1134, Fax. 027-230-1094 
E-mail. yoshioka@u-air.ac.jp

Local arrangements:

A. Shimoda
Gunma Astronomical Observatory 
1-18-7 Ohtomo-machi, Maebashi-shi, Gunma 371 
Phone. 027-254-2882, Fax. 027-254-2883
E-mail. gaows@astron.pref.gunma.jp

World Wide Web site: 



The proceedings of the meeting will be published by Gunma Astronomical  
Observatory within the year 1998. 


The workshop will be held in Room 502 of The Shichoson-kaikan. The venue is
five minutes walk from Shin-Maebashi station. 
Space available limits the number of participants to 72 persons. 


1998 August 10       Announcement and call for papers 
1998 September 14    Second announcement 
1998 October 5       Deadline for return of indication-of-interest form 
1998 October 9       Final announcement
1998 October 19      Deadline of abstract 
1998 October 26-27   Workshop 
1998 November 9      Deadline for submission of papers for Proceedings 


There will be a program of tour for participants to Takayama village 
at Mt. Komochi (about 30 km northwest of central Maebashi) where the 
observatory is located. 


If you are interested, please return the following form to  


			Maebashi, 26 - 27 October 1998

                         INDICATION-OF-INTEREST FORM 

Name     :   

Address  :  

Phone    : 

Fax      :  

E-mail   : 

I would like to participate in the Workshop : yes / no

and intend to present a contributed paper   : yes / no

The title of my proposed contribution is,

I wish to participate in the tour to the Observatory : yes/no 

Comments or inquiries : 


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