RX J0558.3+6753: Long Period CV Showing Short Period Variations
According to P. A. Dubovsky (vsnet-obs 39223), the ROSAT-selected cataclysmic
variable RX J0558.3+6753 experienced a bright outburst (mv=13.9) on Mar.
31. The 2001 outburst apparently quickly faded (vsnet-campaign-dn
2217, 2221).
The last outburst (13.9mag) occurred in 2002 February (vsnet-campaign-dn
2222). The observation by the Kyoto team on April 1 detected two superhumps
with a long period of ~0.09 d (vsnet-campaign-dn
2227, 2229,
The object faded by 0.4-0.5mag/d on April 2 and the humps became less
prominent (vsnet-campaign-dn
2239, 2242).
Using combined light curves taken by the Kyoto team, the Nyrola team
and J. Pietz, M. Uemura reported a hump period of 0.080796 d, and suggested
that it is an SU UMa-type dwarf nova having a relatively large fading
rate (vsnet-campaign-dn
2237, 2272).
H. Yamaoka performed astrometry using the Kyoto image, and reported
that the object is identified with the 2MASS object which was suggested
by B. Skiff (vsnet-campaign-dn
The object experienced a new outburst (14.0mag, 13.9mag) on May 1, as
reported by T. Kinnunen and P. A. Dubovsky (vsnet-campaign-dn
2341, 2343).
The object faded to 14.5mag on May 2 (vsnet-campaign-dn
In September, T. Kinnunen pointed out that RXJ0558.3+6753 showed a long
outburst, which was possibly a superoutburst (vsnet-campaign-dn
2848, 2851).
T. Vanmunster and A. Oksanen independently reported that a light curve
without large amplitude modulations on September 13/14 (vsnet-campaign-dn
2855, 2856).
T. Kato noticed 0.05mag variation with time scales of 30-60 min (vsnet-campaign-dn
2857). T. Vanmunster reported large-amplitude modulations (0.4-0.5mag)
during a fading phase from this long outburst (vsnet-campaign-dn
2860). A. Oksanen performed time-series observations on September 21,
and also reported a 0.4 mag humplike structure (vsnet-campaign-dn
2866). J. Thorstensen performed spectroscopy and determined the orbital
period of 0.1504(3) d. Balmer emission lines are relatively narrow for
CVs in the spectrum of this object. The spectrum showed the strong blue
continuum of a novalike (vsnet-campaign-dn
The humps during outbursts had been proposed to be superhumps, however, the
reported long orbital period has made the nature of them unclear.
An outburst (14.2mag) was reported by T. Kinnunen on December 23 (vsnet-campaign-dn
Other articles:
2228, 2244,
Light curve provided by T. Vanmunster:
2855, 2860]