FT Cam

A relatively rare outburst of FT Cam (14.0-13.8mag) was reported by M. Reszelski on February 4 (vsnet-campaign-dn 2092). According to astro-ph/0209172 (Thorstensen and Fenton), FT Cam (see Kato et al. (2001) IBVS 5082) has shown to be an object below the period gap (vsnet-campaign-dn 2830). Another outburst to 14.8mag was reported on September 18 by T. Kinnunen (vsnet-campaign-dn 2862). The Kyoto team confirmed this outburst at ~16.0mag on September 19 (vsnet-campaign-dn 2865). The object had faded quickly (vsnet-campaign-dn 2863, 2864, 2867).


Preprint by Kato et al.:

General Information about This Object

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