XTE J1859+226 HST observation XTE J1859+226のHST観測予定が決まりました。10/18の夕方の早い方の時間が日本 との同時観測が可能になります。HSTはおそらく紫外線分光を行うものと思われま すが、可視光の同時観測(時間分解測光、分光)は極めて有益です。月曜日の夕方 ですが、ぐんまでできませんでしょうか(CCDによる早い連続撮像で十分です)。 From: Carole A Haswell <C.A.Haswell@open.ac.uk> Subject: HST observations 18 Oct of XTE J1859+226 Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 15:28:03 +0100 (BST) Dear Taichi and Daisaku, thanks very much for forwarding my request on to VSNET a couple of days ago. As a consequence we were able to get HST observations of XTE J1859+226 scheduled for Oct 18 02:00 UT - 09:18 UT. Simultaneous ground based data, particularly with time resolution < 10 seconds would be extremely useful. Japan is ideally placed for this, so if you are able to do or arrange anything we would be extremely grateful. I'll prepare a general message for VSNET this afternoon. See IAU circs 7274, 7276, and 7279, for details about the source. cheers, Carole +44 1908 653396 (w) +44 780 196 1502 (mobile)