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[vsnet-unknown 11] Re: [vsnet-rcb 86] Re: LO Cep nature? ...etc

Re: [vsnet-rcb 86] Re: LO Cep nature? ...etc

>> If these stars are of normal A-star
>> like objects, then what would be the cause of 'fading' resembling those
>> of RCB stars?  
> The light fading of these stars are distinguishing from those of the RCB: 
> "fast" decline during days (hot star, V348 Sgr) or tens of days (cold stars) 
> and then the slower recovering of normal light. i.e. a light curve has the 
> very typical shape. An unvisibelity of star, as this was in the case of
> LO Cep, and CT Vul, etc, does not mean it is a star with the RCB variability.
> First condition is a full light curve. 

    I don't mean their classification as RCB stars.  But the question is the
cause of RCB-like fading in such A-type stars [not Ae as in Herbig Ae stars].

Taichi Kato

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