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[vsnet-survey 78] Re: Nova-like object

     Bill's object appears to be NSV 5973 = IRAS 12471-5144, almost certainly
a Mira or other red variable.  Best position is from UCAC1:
12 50 01.205  -52 01 25.98 (2000).  The star is given in USNO-A2.0 as
photo-blue mag. 15.8, and photo-red mag. 11.5; in GSC-2.2 (same plate
material, the figures are mb=16.0, mr=9.3.  The IRAS 12mu/25mu flux ratio
is ~2.5, typical of an AGB star of some sort.  Since this is ~10 deg off
the plane, there is no MSX coverage, and no spesctral survey from 
MacConnell for the IRAS sources.


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