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[vsnet-survey 1] New list: vsnet-survey

New list: vsnet-survey

Dear Colleagues,

    We have set up a new list, vsnet-survey, in response to the recent
development of various generations of techniques of all-sky and deep
surveys, which have produced tremendous amount of knowledge, especially
in variable stars.

    The list is intended for exchanging information regarding sky surveys,
not restricted to variable star surveys nor optical surveys.  Survey
techniques, strategies, programming, exchanging results and communications
between survey observers in order to make coordinated observations are
selected main topics of this list.  Important notifications (discovery
announcements, important progress, call for observations etc.) should be
also directed to vsnet-alert and other suitable lists.  In reporting
discovery of new variable stars and observations of known variable stars,
please use vsnet-newvar and vsnet-obs, respectively, using their
well-established format.  For discussions of general interest in variable
stars, please use vsnet-chat as before.  VSNET administrators may forward
such messages to other VSNET lists when necessary.

    The initial list of vsnet-survey includes members of vsnet-alert,
vsnet, vsnet-chat, vsnet-newvar and vsnet-obs.  If one wishes to subscribe
or unsubscribe to vsnet-survey, please send a message to vsnet-adm, with
a text line

    SUBSCRIBE vsnet-survey your e-mail address  or
    UNSUBSCRIBE vsnet-survey your e-mail address

    Please feel free to distribute this message to interested parties
or persons who may be interested in VSNET collaboration project.

Taichi Kato
on behalf of the VSNET administrator team

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