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[vsnet-superoutburst 672] WZ Sge fading trend continues

WZ Sge fading trend continues

Dear Colleagues,

  Nightly averaged magnitudes.  Still fading at a fairly constant rate
except for a short "bump" around the appearance of true superhumps.

  The number of the data is 106786, and is still growing!

     mid-UT      V-C   err   N
  20010723.774  0.087 0.012 1665
  20010724.704 -0.469 0.002 3906
  20010725.610 -0.216 0.002 5947
  20010726.686 -0.063 0.002 1848
  20010727.588  0.099 0.001 8387
  20010728.686  0.318 0.002 3985
  20010729.515  0.410 0.001 5754
  20010730.667  0.571 0.001 5317
  20010731.636  0.687 0.001 6043
  20010801.630  0.777 0.001 9442
  20010802.470  0.900 0.002 2379
  20010803.614  0.984 0.001 6199
  20010804.634  1.095 0.001 5104
  20010805.529  1.144 0.001 6853
  20010806.464  1.177 0.002 2800
  20010807.493  1.255 0.002 1976
  20010808.513  1.306 0.001 3293
  20010809.632  1.352 0.002 2079
  20010810.567  1.449 0.001 3265
  20010811.539  1.568 0.001 7702
  20010812.518  1.698 0.001 3530
  20010813.563  1.819 0.001 6400
  20010814.485  1.885 0.001 2912

Taichi Kato
VSNET Collaboration team

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