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[vsnet-superoutburst 607] Re: [vsnet-alert 6216] WZ Sge: superhump period on Aug. 6

Dear Colleagues,
for the period estimate, from last night,  we found a 
candidate of 0.0572d. The values we reported earlier 
(0.0582d), was obtained combining the latest dataset with 
the previous two days. Sorry for the confusion.

Gianluca and Franco

Scrive Taichi Kato <tkato@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp>:

> WZ Sge: superhump period on Aug. 6
> Dear Colleagues,
>    The analysis of the data by G. Masi (vsnet-alert 6215) 
has yeilded
> a period of 0.05711 +/- 0.00012 d, which seems to be 
shorter than the
> value by Masi (and the "initial" superhump period).  I 
will make a
> further
> analysis using the combined data.
> Regards,
> Taichi Kato
> VSNET Collaboration team

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