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[vsnet-sequence 131] Re: V350 Cep UBVRI sequence

     Correction:  I mis-copied the V magnitude for star J in this
sequence.  The complete correct table is given again below.


source:  2002IBVS.5214....1S

ID     RA   (2000)   Dec     s    GSC       V    B-V   U-B   V-R   V-I
A   21 42 34.27  +66 11 55.8 G 4261-1602  13.95  0.77  0.23  0.65? 0.88
B*  21 42 42.85  +66 12 28.3 G 4261-1514  14.57  1.28  0.41  0.82  1.61?
C   21 43 21.94  +66 13 01.2 A            14.95  0.92  0.38  0.57  1.01
D   21 43 08.96  +66 12 01.9 A            15.33  0.79  0.21  0.50  0.95
G   21 42 35.87  +66 13 54.1 A            16.06  1.20  0.10  0.78  1.43
H   21 42 38.61  +66 11 34.0 A            16.32  1.25        0.75  1.43
J   21 43 11.62  +66 09 11.8 A            16.25  1.53        1.00  2.17
K   21 42 37.72  +66 14 02.9 A            16.94  1.31        0.86  1.70?
M   21 42 38.29  +66 12 59.0 A            16.62  2.02        1.19  2.37

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