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[vsnet-sequence 130] V350 Cep UBVRI sequence

     A recent IBVS report by Semkov includes a UBVRI sequence in the field
of the FU Ori-type variable V350 Cep, which lies on the north side of the
nebulous region NGC 7129.  The table below shows positions for the stars
(not given in the article) along with the photometric data.  The uncertainties
are quoted as being in the 0.05-0.10 mag. range for all colors---either all the
stars are somewhat variable or the results are simply not of high accuracy even
though the field was calibrated on several nights.  The U-B data are noted as
being particularly noisy.  The three colors involving BVRI are mutually
consistent with a few exceptions (flagged with ?), which suggests that the
data are reliable despite the large errors.


UBVRI photometry in the field of V350 Cep

source:  2002IBVS.5214....1S

ID     RA   (2000)   Dec     s    GSC       V    B-V   U-B   V-R   V-I
A   21 42 34.27  +66 11 55.8 G 4261-1602  13.95  0.77  0.23  0.65? 0.88
B*  21 42 42.85  +66 12 28.3 G 4261-1514  14.57  1.28  0.41  0.82  1.61?
C   21 43 21.94  +66 13 01.2 A            14.95  0.92  0.38  0.57  1.01
D   21 43 08.96  +66 12 01.9 A            15.33  0.79  0.21  0.50  0.95
G   21 42 35.87  +66 13 54.1 A            16.06  1.20  0.10  0.78  1.43
H   21 42 38.61  +66 11 34.0 A            16.32  1.25        0.75  1.43
J   21 43 11.62  +66 09 11.8 A            14.08  1.53        1.00  2.17
K   21 42 37.72  +66 14 02.9 A            16.94  1.31        0.86  1.70?
M   21 42 38.29  +66 12 59.0 A            16.62  2.02        1.19  2.37

B   [SVS76] NGC 7129 9  (from 1976AJ.....81..638S).

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