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[vsnet-sdor 32] (fwd) eta Car (was: Re: Forgotten observation)

From: Bish Ishibashi <bish@space.mit.edu>
Subject: [vsnet-chat 0] Re: Forgotten observation
Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2002 02:28:12 -0500 (EST)

Hiya Sebastian,

>Has the HST finally observed eta Carinae after September? As can be seen,
>the brightening is over, so it would be interesting if the HST was able to
>confirm it on time.
>Maybe Bish Ishibashi can give us some news.

I'm afraid but I have been asked not to release that piece of 
infromation for now. It does not say that there is something 
extremely worth holding back in the photometric data. Just that 
our PI thinks that it is best not to influence other visual 
observers too much. But when the time is right, I'll drop another
email with the information. I'm meeting with a part of the team
next week in Washington D.C. See what they say about it then.

Our HST campaign continues on, at least for another three years
with HST/STIS, WFPC2, NICMOS and ACS. We'll see how this develops. 
In a meantime, have a happy new year and keep looking at it whenever 
you can. 


Bish Ishibashi


"Bish" K. Ishibashi, Ph.D. 

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center for Space Research                 e  bish@space.mit.edu
77 Massachusetts Ave. NE80-6011           
Cambridge, MA 02139                       

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