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[vsnet-photometry 11] (fwd) Photometry 2002

Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 09:08:24 +0000
From: Marc Bos <molehill@ihug.co.nz>
Subject: Photometry 2002

Dear Friends,

Just keeping you up to date with Photometry 2002
Look who's coming to dinner !, Wouldn't you want to be part of this?
This is an meeting not to be missed. We haven't had a line up of such
exalence for a while and its unlikely to happen again in the near future

Looking forward to seeing you all in Nelson

Marc Bos

Provisional Program

 Friday  August 30

 01:00pm                Registration Desk open

 07:30pm                Informal Function

 Saturday August 31

 08:30am                Registration Desk open
 09:00am                Official opening
 09:30am                Dr Peter Cottrel  "Spectroscopy as atool in
variable star research"
 10:30am                Morning Tea
 11:00am                Dr Edwin Budding  "MultiwavelenthPhotometry"
 11:30am                Stan Walker        (title to be announced)

 12:00pm                Conference Photo
 12:30pm                Lunch break
 01:15pm                Dr Alon Retter    "The contributions Amateur to
the research
                                of novae and stella oscillations"
 01:45pm                  Jennie McCormick  "The LX200 as an efficient
data collection tool"

 02:00pm                Dr Tom Richars  SoftwareWorkshop
 02:15pm  *
 02:30pm  *
 02:45pm  *
 03:00pm                Afternoon Tea
 0315pm                   Marc Bos       "AB Doradus: the 2000/2001
light curve"
 03:30pm  *
 03:45pm  *
 04:00pm                End Saturdays program

 05:00pm                Happy Hour
 07:00pm                Conference Dinner

 Sunday September 01

 09:30am              Proffessor Mike Bessell  Widefield Colour Imaging
with CCD Cameras
 10:30am                  Morning Tea
 11:00am                  Dr Edwin Budding  "Close Binary System
                                 New Analysis Technique"
 11:30am                  Max Pow   "Dome" the directors cut
 12:15pm             Closing Address

 List of participants as per April 26 2002

    Jennie Mc Cormick
 Dr Alon Retter
 Mr Fred Velthuis
 Dr Edwin Budding
 Dr Peter Cottrel
 Prof Joe Paterson
 Mr Stan Walker
 Mr Albert Jones
 Dr Tom Richards
 Mr Ashly Miles
 Mr Robert Rea
 Mr Colin Bembrick
 Mr Bill Allen
 Mr Marc Bos
 Mr Max Pow
 Mr Brian Haris
 Prof Mike Bessell

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