Dear colleagues! On observing V979 Cyg I found that two of the 30(!)selected comparison stars are variable within one night. Telescope: Lichtenknecker MPT300 (300 mm Schmidt-Cassegrain, f=2400mm) CCD-Camera: SBIG-ST9 (without filter). 1)New variable Fr5: ------------------- Right ascension: 19h45m43.4340s Declination: +32 10' 01.620" (J2000.0) R mag: 13.1 / B mag: 14.6 (USNO-A2) Amplitude: 0.3 mag (CCD) Comparison star: GSC 2660 1844 (R mag: 12.2/ B mag: 14.4) (checked for constant brightness.) The variable seems to be an EW type with following elements: Epoch = JD 2452517.4480 Period = 0.648886257 d (according to W. Quester, BAV) A nearly complete light curve could be derived from 6 nights (with the exception of phase 0.4 to 0.6). (S. enclosed BMP-File "Fr5_ST9") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2)New variable Fr6: ------------------- Right ascension: 19h45m22.8380s Declination: +32 10' 31.980" (J2000.0) R mag: 14.2 / B mag: 16.5 (USNO-A2) Amplitude: 0.5 mag (CCD) Comparison star: GSC 2660 1844 (R mag: 12.2/ B mag: 14.4) This reddish star seems to be an irregular or semiregular type, because it shows no constant light in the last 6 years. (A periodic behaviour could not be found until now.) Note: Both variable stars have no GSC-No. Therefore a CCD-chart is enclosed. (CCD_CHART.BMP). Regards, Peter Frank Hauptstr. 4 D-84149 Velden GERMANY (Member of BAV) email:
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