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[vsnet-newvar 2132] (fwd) Sequence for Possible Nova Scuti 2003 (Granslo)

Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2003 23:37:29 +0200 (MET DST)
From: "Bjorn H. Granslo" <b.h.granslo@astro.uio.no>
Subject: [vsnet-sequence 242] BV Sequence for Nova Scuti 2003.

        Norwegian Astronomical Society - Variable Star Section

          ***** Sequence for Possible Nova Scuti 2003 *****

       Compiled by Bjorn H. Granslo (version 2003 September 3)

1844-09  Nova Sct 2003  [R.A. = 18h49m37s.6, Decl. = -09o33'50" (2000)]

This object was discovered by H. Nishimura (Kakegawa, Shizuoka-ken,
Japan) on T-Max films from 2003 Aug. 28.58 and 29.44 UT with a 200-mm
f/4.0 lens [IAUC 8190]. Optical spectroscopy does not show the bright
emission profiles from hydrogen that are typical for classical novae
[IAUC 8191], the spectrum resembles that of V838 Mon. Data so far
indicate a visual magnitude range from 8 to at least 16.

***** Sequence Stars *****

This list contains identifications, positions and photometry (V, B-V)
for comparison stars with B-V from 0.0 to 0.7.

Id  R.A. (2000.0) Decl.  Star Name      V-mag  sV   B-V  sB-V  Source
    h  m   s    o  '  "
A  18 50 58.5 -09 46 27  HR 7094         5.83 0.01  0.61 0.01  GCPD
B  18 53 01.8 -09 34 32  HR 7110         6.33 0.01  0.21 0.01  GCPD
C  18 53 55.9 -09 22 13  HD 175058       7.03 0.01  0.40 0.02  GCPD
D  18 39 56.5 -11 06 26  HD 172317       7.33 0.01  0.66 0.02  GCPD
E  18 52 06.6 -09 04 58  HD 174704       7.74 0.01  0.49 0.02  GCPD
F  18 55 40.8 -09 16 35  HD 175431       8.20 0.01  0.41 0.03  GCPD*
G  18 49 12.1 -09 57 06  HD 174084       8.68 0.03  0.19 0.03  ASAS-3*
H  18 51 18.7 -09 02 30  HD 174554       9.04 0.02  0.27 0.04  GCPD*
K  18 49 24.9 -09 41 35  HD 174131       9.61 0.03  0.67 0.06  ASAS-3*
L  18 49 44.8 -09 22 23  SD -09 4848     9.85 0.04  0.23 0.05  ASAS-3*
M  18 51 44.2 -10 08 55  SD -10 4837    10.30 0.03  0.05 0.08  ASAS-3*
N  18 49 12.3 -09 23 41  SD -09 4842    10.76 0.03  0.0  0.2   ASAS-3*
P  18 49 03.0 -09 40 29  TYC 5697-0447  11.42 0.05  0.5  0.3   ASAS-3*
Q  18 49 45.0 -09 34 07  TYC 5697-2677  11.76 0.05  0.2  0.4   ASAS-3*

Stars A-E: V-magnitudes and B-V colours are derived from data obtained
  at GCPD, The Lausanne Photometric Database.
Stars F-P: B-V colours are derived from Tycho-2 BT and VT photometry
  (Hog et al. 2000) by using the procedure of Bessell (2000).
Stars F, H: V-magnitudes are derived from GCPD.
Stars G, K-P: V-magnitudes are derived from ASAS-3.

Star C: ASAS-3 has V=7.07 (+/-0.04).
Star D: ASAS-3 has V=7.35 (+/-0.03). Tycho-2 w/Bessell has V=7.31
  (+/-0.02) and B-V=0.67 (+/-0.03).
Star E: ASAS-3 has V=7.77 (+/-0.04). Tycho-2 w/Bessell has V=7.74
  (+/-0.02) and B-V=0.52 (+/-0.02).
Star F: ASAS-3 has V=8.23 (+/-0.04). Tycho-2 w/Bessell has V=8.21
Star G: Double star Aitken 1888, mag. 8.5 and 11.5, sep. 2".2 [WDS];
  combined V-mag. given in sequence. Tycho-2 w/Bessell has V=8.77
  (+/-0.02) and B-V=0.19 (+/-0.03) for the brightest component.
Star H: ASAS-3 has V=9.07 (+/-0.03). Tycho-2 w/Bessell has V=9.05
Star K: Tycho-2 w/Bessell has V=9.58 (+/-0.05).
Star L: Tycho-2 w/Bessell has V=9.77 (+/-0.05).
Star M: Tycho-2 w/Bessell has V=10.34 (+/-0.08).

This sequence is subject for extension and improvement.

The VizieR Service at Centre de Donnees astronomiques de Strasbourg,
  The Lausanne General Catalogue of Photometric Data (GCPD), The All
  Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) web site have been used in preparing
  this sequence. I would also like to thank B. Andresen for help in
  preparing this sequence.

Bessell M.: 2000, "The Hipparcos and Tycho Photometric System
  Passbands", Publ. Ast. Soc. Pacific, 112, 961.
Hog E. et al.: 2000, "The Tycho-2 Catalogue of the 2.5 Million
  Brightest Stars", Astron. Astrophys. 355, L27. [Tycho-2]
Mermilliod J.-C., Hauck B., Mermilliod M.: "The General Catalogue
  of Photometric Data", University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
  URL: http://obswww.unige.ch/gcpd/gcpd.html . [GCPD]
Pojmansky G.: "The All Sky Automated Survey". V magnitudes
  derived from measurements with the ASAS-3 system [ASAS-3].
  URL: http://vsnet.astrouw.edu.pl/~gp/asas/asas.html .
Worley C. E., and Douglass, G. G.: 1997, "The Washington Visual
  Double Star Catalog, 1996.0", US Naval Observatory [WDS].

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