From: Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 12:11:08 -0700 Subject: [vsnet-chat 5354] Re: [vsnet-alert 7385] Re: Suspect object near NGC 6946 I looked around Yamoka-san's astrometric position for this object on 020618 UT and found nothing down to V~22. The two brightest objects that bracket the position are V=17.2 and V=18.2; both look like normal stars. The arms of NGC6946 do pass through this region; there is a clump of material within a few arcsec of the position. This was a photometric night, so I will post the BV field photometry file for the field at stars brighter than V=14 are saturated. I do not intend to reobserve this field unless a new outburst is detected. Nice galaxy, though! Arne