BehV82 IDs GSC440.884 181854.61 +041157.1 (2000.0) 12.85 1 GSC440.884 181854.68 +041157.3 (2000.0) 13.67 1 USNO0900.12477605 181854.644 +041156.97 (2000.0) 12.2 15.7 IRAS18164+0410 181625.4 +041038 (1950.0) F12=1.10 F25=0.48 F60=0.40L F100=2.75L VAR=43 LRS=-1 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell or VIa: non-variable star with relatively cold dust at large distance, may be carbon-rich 181854.2 +041155 (2000.0) IRAS18164+0410 1.064 0.491 0.400L 2.687L 43% 181854.2 +041155 (2000.0) SSC18164+0410 1.064 0.491 0.400L 2.687L