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[vsnet-newvar 929] re Re: Major outburst of LMC V2434

Hitoshi Yamaoka wrote :

>>GSC9166.775 052401.63 -710935.5 (2000.0) 12.61 6
>On DSS images, this star shows some elongation to southwest, which
>suggest that it is close (2-3") double star.  Comparing DSS images
>whose epochs are 1975.936 (DSS1, Bj, plate edge), 1987.064 (DSS1, Bj),
>1987.906 (DSS2, R, plate edge), 1992.838 (DSS2, R), shows no
>significant proper motion of these two stars, nor the apparent change
>of the separation and the position angle.

The IRSA 2MASS image server (http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/) also shows this
as a quite extended object aligned NNE-SSW in all three of the J, H and Ks
bands, and which appears thicker at centre... ...3 objects????

The object isn't resolved in the DENIS DCMC catalogue either, where a
further passband magnitude of gunn I = 10.2 is listed.



John Greaves

PS I've cut and pasted a very small postage stamp of the 2MASS J band image
for this object reduced to 256 colours for people not familiar with the
IRSA server.


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