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[vsnet-newvar 870] Nova Aql 2001: astrometry and possible progenitor

Nova Aql 2001: astrometry and possible progenitor

   The following article was posted to IAUC:

     M. Uemura, T. Kato, Kyoto University (KU); and H. Yamaoka, Kyushu
University, write: "Unfiltered CCD images of the probable nova in
Aquila (IAUC 7627) were obtained with KU 0.25-m telescope on May
17.79, when the object was mag about 11.8 (calibrated with GSC
system).  The position measured with 15 GSC-ACT stars of the uniform
epoch (1983.609) is R.A. = 19h07m28s.425, Decl. = +11d44'45".78
(equinox 2000.0, fitting error 0".3), which is in agreement with the
reported position on IAUC 7627.  A faint star exists on DSS (both
generation, R and Bj) images within 0".5 of the above position.  Its
magnitude, compared with USNO_A2.0 stars, is r about 18.7 and b about

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